09 : Clarification For Everyone

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Class 1-A Dormitory,
After the incident,

Third Person's POV

The lovely couple slowly walked toward the high-rising building, accompanied by the Erasure Hero. Izuku was slightly shaking. Her small hand kept clutching on Mirio's top.

Noticing this, the two males turned to the trembling female. "Midoriya, are you alright?" Shouta asked as he approached the two lovers closer. Izuku quietly nodded her head in response. It didn't convince them though.

Although Izuku didn't tell them, Mirio and Shouta could figure out the reason behind her shaking. It was probably because of incident earlier, that surely traumatized the greenette. "Bakugou won't lay a finger on you anymore. Even if he tries to, you have your friends, family and teachers to protect you." The tired teacher patted her small back gently.

"Eraser Head is true. If anything happen, I have got your back, Izuku." Mirio ruffled Izuku's dark green bush while grinning ear-to-eae at his girlfriend. "Sensei... Mirio..." She was at loss of words. Their words of encouragement slowly seeped in to her mind.

A smile stretched up on her plump lips. Izuku nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah... Thank you, Aizawa-sensei, Mirio. But..." Her fist was brought close to her chest as she hung her head low. "I'm still...scared. The things that happened in the past... And now. I still couldn't forget the fear that haunted me when I experienced all those terrifying moments. I couldn't erase it completely from my heart." She confessed sadly.

"Healing takes time, Midoriya. You don't have to force yourself to forget your traumatizing past. Let time heal your fear and trauma." Shouta exclaimed. He sounded like a truly wise man.

"Yes, yes! That is very true! Besides, you have me, Eraser Head, your friends and family to help you! Oh, and All Might too! He is your father after all." Mirio giggled teasingly, causing Izuku to turn deep red.

"Wha- I-I told you already! All Might is not my father... Or is he?" The greenette mumbled the last few words to herself, doubting her own statement. She would not admit it to anyone, but she did see Toshinori as her father figure. The former Symbol of Peace could even be viewed as Izuku's true father, since her biological father had disappeared from her life.

"I can't deny that." Shouta agreed with Mirio, closing his eyes while thinking of the possibility that Toshinori might be Izuku's father. "Ehhhh, Sensei too? Why people keep saying this..." The wannabe heroine scratched her cheek in defeat.

Without the trio realizing, they has arrived at the first year students' dormitory. The students there along with Toshinori immediately turned to the three the instant they sensed their presences.

"Deku-chan! / Midoriya-kun! / Midoriya-san! Izuku-chan! / Midoriya!"

The 18 aspiring heroes-in-training rushed to their  classmate's side. Toshinori tailed behind them. All of them seemed extremely relieved to see Izuku again.

"You are back in one piece!"

"Thank goodness! You are safe and sound!"

"Jeez, you troublesome kid! Stop worrying us crazy like that!"

The girls went to hug Izuku while the boys watched them from sidelines. The said girl became a bit shy yet she returned the warm embrace from her female friends. "Sorry for worrying everyone...She murmured in guilt.

"It is fine! We know you have been through a lot..." Ochako assured her best friend. Izuku was on the brink of tears. She was moved that her friends and teachers cared for her so much.

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