05 : What Is The Problem?

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Class 1-A Dormitory,

Third Person's POV

"GUYS! DEKU-CHAN IS MISSING!!!!" Ochako suddenly cried out, shocking the residents of the dorm, including Shota who just happened to walk past the common area.

Tenya stood up from the red couch and approached his best friend. "Calm down and explain everything, Uraraka-kun..." He spoke up softly, rubbing small circles on her back to comfort her.Ochako surged forward and hugged him without hesitation, out of instinct.

The brunette buried her face in his solid chest. Tenya wrapped his arms around her shoulders, biting down his bottom lip in total confusion.

"Uraraka... What happen? Tell me." Shota walked over the his two students, concern filling his voice. The said girl lifted her head, staring at her homeroom teacher with teary eyes. Her other classmates gulped down their saliva in nervousness.

"I-I wanted to call Deku-chan to eat dinner together... But when I knocked on her door, she didn't answer... I-I opened the door and she wasn't in there!" Ochako cried out the last part, tears rolling down her face faster. Everyone gasped in shock, except one person.

Katsuki just shot a deadly glare at the crying girl. He huffed in annoyance, rolling his eyes as if he didn't give a care about his childhood friend. He walked away from the common area, confusing Eijiro.

"Yo,Bakugou! Where are you going? You still haven't had your din-"

"I'm freaking sleepy, Kiri. I'm going to bed now. " The Pomeranian snarled at his good friend, before stepping into the elevator.

'Tch, so she really did fine someone else to replace me... Damn deku...!' When the metal door closed, Katsuki punched the cold wall with his bare fist angrily, his eyes wide with madness.

- back to the others -

"Sensei, how is it?" Ochako eagerly asked Shota who was silently stared at his phone screen. There was a message from Izuku, telling him not to worry about her.

Midoriya : Sensei, I'm staying at the third year dorm for personal reason. Please inform my friends not to worry about me. And tell them I'm doing good. I just need time away from everyone to clear my mind... That's why I want to spend some times with the upperclassmen.

After reading the message, the tired teacher heaved a sigh of relief. "She visited the Big Three's dormitory." He announced, making everyone smiled in happiness.

"What are we waiting? Let's go to her-" But Mina's sentence was interrupted by her homeroom teacher.

"Midoriya said she didn't want to see any of you for a while... So I can't allow anyone to meet her for the time being. I hope you all respect her decision and privacy." His words clenched the students' hearts with sadness. What was happening to their precious cinnamon roll?

"B-but why? What have we done to her...?" Ochako sobbed sorrowfully, looking down to the floor. Tenya patted her small back reassuringly, staring at her in pity. He was also worried about his other best friend, but hearing her demand, he knew he had to respect her choice.

"I don't know. But right now, just give her some time and space for herself. There must be something bothering her that she didn't want any of you to know... Something that only the Big Three knew. Perhaps, that's why she went to them." Shota made an assumption, and half of his students agreed with him, while the others stayed quiet.

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