Epilogue : My Light, Your Light

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Several months later
Graduation Ceremony day...

Third Person's POV

"Woohoo! We did it!"

Mirio outstretched both his arms high in the air excitedly. His two friends just chuckled softly seeing him all hyped and energized. A wide ear-to-ear grin tugged on his cute face as he danced around shamelessly, as if he was the happiest man on earth.

"Mirio, I know we have graduated today... But you should calm down a little." Tamaki tried to stop Mirio from being too excited before he went overboard. By overboard, he would go around pranking people with his Quirk, popping up suddenly here and there.Freaking everyone out.

Because our precious boy here was too excited that it couldn't be contained, or described by words.

"Let him be! Because I want to join him too!" Nejire grinned at the ravenette and stormed toward the happy-go-lucky boy after that. She joined him in the weird dance of joy.

"Come on, Amajiki! Join us!" Nejire earnestly invited Tamaki while her body swayed along with Mirio. The shy boy hesitated. His face had turned red from all the attention they received. The students, their parents and of course, some teachers around were staring at them with playful smiles.

"G-guys, can you two stop doing this? People are watching..." Tamaki nervously voiced out his uneasiness, sweat rolled down the side of his face. But sadly, they didn't seem to pay attention to his words. The two cute dorks were too busy celebrating their graduation with bizarre song and dance.

'...they are too high with happiness... I-I can't put a stop to this... Guess I will just... Rot away in embarrassment...' Tamaki's irises rolled into his head before he completely lost his consciousness. He collapsed on the ground, face burning up. His other two best friends were still gleefully dancing around.

"Mirio! Hado-senpai! Amajiki-senpai!!"

A familiar girl's voice cut off their moment and thus caught their attention. Both Mirio and Nejire turned to the direction the voice rang from. Tamaki, who fainted just now, immediately recovered and lifted his head up.

Two girls were coming running toward their direction. The two figures made the golden-haired boy smiled the most wide. "Izuku! Eri-chan!" He uttered those two names-- the names of the most important people in his life. The two girls... He treasured the most.

Izuku was carrying Eri in her arms. The little girl with long silver hair was smiling gleefully. "Mirio-san!" She cheered, outstretching her slim arms to the said boy.

"Eri-chan!" Nejire and Tamaki were also pleased to see Eri. The two females eventually reached their goal. Izuku put Eri down and let her jog to Mirio. He opened his arms to welcome her into a bear hug.

Eri spread her arms open widely then threw herself in Mirio's arms. They embraced each other lovingly. "I miss you so much, Mirio-san!" She remarked as she tightened the hug.

Yes, Eri had been saying she missed Mirio. Since the third year students needed to get prepared for the graduation, they became more busy than usual.

"Sorry for not seeing you as often as before. Even after this, I will probably become more busy.." Mirio clarified, a sad smile plastered on his face. It was true. After graduation, they would start working with the pro heroes they did work study with.

And Mirio would be officially working under Sir Nighteye soon enough.

(SURPRISE. BWAHAHAH! HE DIDN'T DIE in this fanfic uwu)

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