10 : Always Together

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Whoever made this art is a Queen/King! I respect you so much!

I tried to find the artist but couldn't... I want to give them proper credit 😭

Credits to the creator of this marvelous art! Million thanks again for creating such masterpiece! ✨


Class 1-A Dorm,
Izuku's room,

Third Person's POV

Izuku was oddly silenced all of a sudden. Only the sound of her breathing could be heard by Mirio. Her eyebrows drew together in gloom, her green gaze darkened with immense worry. She hung her head low, refused to meet eyes with her boyfriend.

Confused, Mirio tilted his head, thinking of a way to get her to speak. An idea showed up in his mind. He smiled softly at his lovely girlfriend before pulling her to sit on his lap. Her back pressed against his body. The greenette was startled, yet she didn't waver. She obediently stayed put on his lap.

The silence between them thickened and became more tensed. Izuku was looking more and more uncomfortable as time passed. Mirio thought she still might be traumatized by today's incident. But seeing how she strangely acted all restless and uneasy, he knew there was more to it.

"Hey, if you want to tell me something, then go on. I'm here for you all night to listen." Mirio told, his chin resting against her shoulder. Izuku took one minute to seep in his words, wondering if she should voice out her worry or not. She was in dilemma.

It was a tough choice. But the dark green-haired heroine was aware that this heavy silence would not end until she explained herself. The thought in her head was so complicated, which was why she decided to result to silence than telling him.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Izuku croakily spoke up after long moments silence,

"Mirio... I.... I...."

Izuku paused there first, taking a deep breath to calm down her fast-beating heart. Mirio hummed, understanding her situation and patiently waited for her to finish. Though he was eager to know.

"...just tell me, sunshine..."

Mirio talked with his gentle voice. He wrapped her body with his muscular arms and embraced Izuku tightly. "Izuku, you can trust me. I will never judge you or downgrade you." He assured again, planting a soft kiss on her neck.

Mirio's words of comfort washed away her nervousness. Izuku relaxed in the arms of her loved one, resting herself against him.

"Mirio... I have always been thinking about this..."

"Mhm, continue..."

Izuku put her hand on top of Mirio's bigger one. She stared at their hands silently, before intertwining their fingers together. "Um... You are going to graduate soon, right?" She asked, her voice filled with sadness and uncertainty.

Mirio closed his eyes to process her words. Izuku was telling the truth. In another few months, he would graduate and officially become a pro hero. While Izuku would still be studying at U.A..

But what was wrong with that? What was she worrying about actually? These questions kept lingering in his mind.

"I know this sound childish... And so immature of me, but..."

Izuku started to feel stupid for telling Mirio all these childish things yet she felt the need to set her thoughts free. She hung her head low once again. "I know I shouldn't be feeling this way. It will sound like I have doubt in you all this time... However... I still need to tell you..." She brought her firm fist close to her chest.

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