04 : A Night In His Room

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Third Year's dormitory,
Common area,

Mirio's POV

"...Mirio, you aren't full yet? We just ate our dinner a few minutes ago..." My best friend, Tamaki, asked me curiously, his dark irises inspecting a plastic that contained a melon bread packet and a can of orange juice. I bought them from the vending machine outside the dorm.

I smiled widely at him while rubbing the back of my head. "Just for a midnight snack. I wanna stay up a little late to study." I made up a story, and I felt bad for lying. But remembering the promise I made with Izuku - a promise not to let anyone find out about our relationship - I knew I needed to lie, even to my friends.

For her sake... I will do anything to protect her.

Until the right time come... For us to reveal our relationship to the whole world.

"...okay. Good luck with that." Tamaki didn't ask any further questions which caused me to sigh in relief. I waved a goodbye at him and wished a goodnight before walking into the elevator. I tapped the button with the number "2", signifying the second floor of the building.

The button on the cold metal ceiling light up green colour, telling me that the elevator was going to move up soon. I stayed silent, my mind wouldn't stop thinking about my girlfriend.

She must have come here before everyone went back to the dorm... Because no one seems to the notice her existence in this building.

Well, with that Quirk of hers, it wasn't impossible to arrive here in the blink of an eye. What a smart move, Izuku! Nice!

The door of the elevator automatically opened when it arrived at the second floor. I headed toward the door that had my nameplate beside it.

Everyone else is still down stairs... That's good.

Deciding to tease my girlfriend a little bit, I activated Permeation on my head only and buried my face through the door. " Hey, precious! I got the food-"

"Kya!" Izuku squeaked in surprise when I did that. She was crossing her arms in her chest while clenching her legs. Ah shoot- SHE WAS ONLY IN HER UNDERWEAR-

I gave my lover a blank face before slowly retreating myself from the door. I turned around and leaned my back against the door board. My face gradually heated up.

Why is she not wearing anything?!

"U-um, you can come in... Miri..." Izuku shyly spoke up from the inside of my room after a few minutes. I hesitantly opened the door, only to see her wearing my sweater. It was too big for her that it exposed her shoulders. The yellow sweater just covered her thighs- but revealed the rest of her legs. And she didn't wear any pants... Just that sweater and her undergarments.

"Sorry... I wore your clothes without your permission... I felt tired so I decided to take bath. I hope you don't mind me wearing your clothes.." Izuku tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, blush creeping up to her cheeks.

I closed the door behind him. I eyed her from head to toe, swalling down the lump in my throat. God, she looked so cute in my attire... Can I hold back myself for the rest of the night...?

"I-it is okay, Izuku. You can wear any of my clothes. I don't mind." I assured and walked over to Izuku. I put down the plastic on my study table. I placed hands on either side of her head, leaning closer to her adorable freckled-face.

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