02 : Private Lesson

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After school,
U.A. High,

Third Person's POV

Izuku placed down a stack of thick books on the long wooden table. All of them consisted the topic of the English subject. Mirio was smiling embarrassingly at his girlfriend.

"Sorry to trouble you like this, Izuku. I can't afford to fail English test again or Present Mic-sensei will scream into my ear until I go deaf..." Mirio stated in awkwardness. English wasn't his favourite subject and he was totally doing bad with it. Izuku was doing extremely great with the subject. Reason?

Because All Might studied abroad and loved English, she began to learn this language from young age. Now, she fully mastered this subject and could speak fluently.

"It's okay, Mirio. I don't mind at all. Besides, it was my duty as your girlfriend to help you." A small kind smile graced her beautiful freckled-face. Mirio felt his cheeks warming up upon seeing her angelic smile that managed to melt his heart, every time she did that.

Mirio pulled a chair next to Izuku and sat on it. Izuku opened one of the books - a green one - and started the private lesson. She explained the basics to him first, before going further to a more difficult topic. Mirio, surprisingly, understood every single words she uttered.

"Yosh, now that you have understood the topic, let's proceed to exercise." Izuku handed over a thin yellow book to Mirio. He tilted his head, confusedly taking it from her hand. He opened the book, reading the content with furrowed eyebrows.

"They seem quite difficult." The blondie was quick to make assumption. Izuku expected it so she only responded with hearty chuckles. "Don't worry. The questions aren't that difficult. You can do it, Mirio! I will give you 20 minutes to finish this one page." She assured, ruffling his golden locks lovingly.

Deciding to give it a shot, Mirio gave in. He picked up his mechanical pencil and began writing down the answers to all questions in a different notebook, since the exercise book belonged to the school library.

The first two minutes, Mirio felt like his brain would explode. Sure, he understood the topic she explained just now, but it was difficult to remember without her guiding him.

"...Izuku. The questions are on different level... I can't do it." Mirio whined in dissatisfaction, laying his head on the cold surface of the table. Izuku, who was about to scroll through her social media, turned off her phone.

The greenette turned to look at her boyfriend with questionable expression. "Mirio, it was only two minutes, and you already give up...?" She shook her head. Mirio stared at her beautiful face with puppy eyes.

"I told you, I'm bad at it... That's why Present Mic is fed up with me." Mirio stated sadly. He heaved a deep sigh of exhaustion. Feeling pity for him, she called him out softly, "Mirio."

The way she called him out made him nervous. Her mellow voice kept ringing in his mind, and he was certain...

He couldn't focus on the private study lesson anymore.

"If it is that difficult, then I will allow you to ask- Kya!" A soft squeak escaped her mouth when Mirio suddenly gripped her forearm and led her to the corner of the library, where no one could see them together thanks to all the tall, giant bookshelves.

"Mi-Mirio, what's wrong? You hate English that much-"

"No, it's not, baby girl. I... I just need you right now..."

Hearing the pet name caused Izuku to shiver. Never, NEVER once Mirio called her with sweet nickname like that. It was entirely a new experience.

"N-need me...? For what...?" She built up the courage to ask, even though her heart was beating faster against the rib cage.

Mirio didn't say anything anymore. He caged Izuku between his strong arms, his baby blue irises staring straight into her emerald eyes. He dangerously nestled his leg between her legs.

Izuku turned deep shades of red at their current position. Sure, he hadn't done anything unusual yet, but this position was enough to make her completely nervous.

"We... We shouldn't stay like this for too long. P-people will notice- Hmph-!"

Without warning, Mirio connected his lips with hers. Izuku placed her palms on his muscular chest, trying to push him away. But what could she do? His actions were too tempting and desiring. It made her felt very weak in the knees.

"Hm... Ah..." She panted heavily between the rough, steamy kisses they shared. She wrapped her slender arms around his neck, palm cupping the back of his head to push him deeper into the kiss.

Moments flew by, and the couple broke apart with a string of wet saliva attaching to their bottom lips. The two of them had become a blushing mess, looking away from each other in embarrassment.

"Sorry... For the sudden kiss. I should have asked first." Mirio immediately apologized, knowing he had done something that could hurt his love. "I-it's fine, Mirio. I don't mind... At all." But Izuku never felt bothered by his rough treatment. Secretly, she enjoyed it. She wouldn't admit it though.

Hearing her unexpected response literally shocked the yellow-haired male. He stared at his girlfriend, disbelief evident on his face. "W-well then, shall we continue the study session?" Swiftly, he changed the topic to lessen the awkwardness between them.

Izuku turned to him and nodded her head silently. Her face was bright red, as if she had a high fever.

They walked back to their table and continued the study session...


Later that night,
Class 1-A Dorm,
Common area...

Midoriya's POV

"Deku-chan! How is it going between you and Togata-senpai?" Ochako-chan suddenly asked, causing me to choke on my orange juice. All girls stared at me questionably.

"What are you talking about? Like I said, I'm only helping him with his study, that's all." I strongly denied her, puffing up my cheeks in protest. Here, I thought I managed to trick her just now.

Ochako-chan is more observant than I thought.... I need to be careful with her.

"Midoriya, you helped Togata-senpai study? That's unexpected." Momo-chan exclaimed as she sipped on her Harrod tea. I quietly nodded my head and carried on with finishing my orange juice.

"What subject you are helping him with?" Tsu-chan asked with curiosity glint in her big eyes.

"English. He was really bad in that subject. That's why he asked for my help." I calmly told my female friends, a genuine smile plastered on my face.

"But he has his friends-"

"Oh my, look at the time. I better go to sleep now. See you guys tomorrow!" I immediately cut Mina-chan off. Hastily, I stood up and jogged away from them.

That's a close one!

That's a close one!

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