06 : Tamaki & Nejire

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Several minutes later,
Third years' dormitory,
Mirio's room,

Izuku's POV

Lending Mirio's comb, I used it to brush my messy hair to make it less messier. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, various thoughts swarming my mind. I got a feeling that we wouldn't be able to keep our relationship as secret any longer...

Kacchan even realized I was dating someone... But he had no idea who it was... Even just now, Amajiki-senpai almost saw me. If not because of Mirio's quick action, I would probably be exposed earlier.

But Amajiki-senpai is most likely to notice first. About our relationship. Because I was aware of how he stared at me and Mirio everytime we stumbled upon each other.

Well, not that I mind if he does figure out, but I hope he will keep it secret from my friends, especially Kacchan.

(Note : Gonna say it out loud here first and foremost before ya'all get crazy- Katsuki is gonna be a big, BIG jerk in this story-)

When that thought crossed my mind, it made me extremely worried.

Kacchan... After I discovered that he slept with many girls in our middle high school, I got extremely mad. My heart has shattered into million pieces at that time.

I confronted him, but he denied it. The result was, I lost control of myself and slapped him brutally. Too brutal to leave a red mark on his face.

He went berserk, using his Quirk to beat me up. For the first time in my life, I fought him back. In the end, he left me half-dead. I was on the verge of dying, and nearly lost my life because of the argument.

Before I passed out, I heard him screaming cursing words at me, but the words from him that I could not forget the most is...

"I swear, I won't let any guy make you his. I WON'T! LET YOU! BE HAPPY! WITH OTHER SCUMBAG GUY! YOU USELESS NERD!"

Just recalling those painful moments sent shivers down to my spines. He had sworn to ruin my relationship with any guy. And once he made the decision, he wouldn't take back his words.

He is serious to ruin my life.
"Izuku, are you done?" Mirio suddenly spoke up, snapping me back into reality. I lifted my head up and turned to see my boyfriend. "Yeah, sorry for taking so long." I smiled sheepishly at him.

Getting up from the chair, I approached Mirio. He looked at me confusedly, head tilting to the side. He was so cute when he did that. It warmed my heart.

I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders, standing on the tip of my toes. I surprised my lover with a tender kiss on the lips. My attempt gloriously succeeded. He turned beet red the moment our lips merged.

Breaking apart from Mirio, I chuckled heartily at him. His cheeks were as scarlet as Kirishima-kun's hair. He immediately looked away from me.

"A gift for you." I said, ruffling his well-brushed golden hair. His hair was as bright as the sunlight. I mean- he is the sun of my world so it is only obvious.

"I'm going down stairs to eat breakfast. I will bring some food once I'm done eating. Sorry for causing such inconvenience. Must be difficult for you to deal with this..." Mirio informed me, guilt raising in the undertone of his voice.

"Don't feel bad. It was my decision to keep our relationship as secret. And you are helping me a lot with it. I am grateful that you agreed with my selfish request, Mirio." I embraced Mirio lovingly, my face buried in his solid chest.

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