4 - Out

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Out: When a player on offense is removed from play due to being tagged, forced, struck, or thrown out.

Out: When a player on offense is removed from play due to being tagged, forced, struck, or thrown out

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Present day...

Playing against Ben was always fun. When Ben texted, Dinner after game. Jett had replied with a thumb up emoji.

When he received a text from Sabrina reminding him he promised to take her out after the game, he called her.

"Listen, my best friend's in town and he asked me to dinner. I almost never see him."

It was true, except during the offseason.

"But I'm hardly in town." She whined.

That was true too, but they were only dating because his agent thought the association with a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model would help bring in some endorsement offers. So far he had only done local spots for a tire store and Dunkin.

Feeling the need to solve his dilemma, he said, "You can join us for dinner."

When he met Ben at BP and realized dinner was with Coach and Kenze, he walked away muttering. "Shit, shit, shit."

Seeing Kenze for the first time in six years was a shock. Looking up at her, he could tell she wasn't pleased to see him.

When he met Ben on the field during warm-ups, he said, "I should probably skip dinner. I forgot I promised Sabrina."

"Don't worry the more the merrier, Kenzie's boyfriend is coming."

When Jett looked up and saw Kenze kissing her boyfriend, his mind took him back ten years to that jerk, Davy.

The one night, he wanted to play well, he sucked. He managed only two hits. After the first, he was left on first base which was fun talking smack with Ben. The second hit, he was thrown out at second trying to make it a double.

There was no celebration in the clubhouse as he showered and changed. Sabrina was waiting for him and they drove together to the restaurant. He had purposely taken his time, so they would be the last to arrive. As they approached the table, the guy had his arm possessively on the back of Kenzie's chair and she was laughing. He recognized the feeling bubbling in his gut as his old friend jealousy.

They made introductions, but he and Sabrina only got a glare from those green eyes. No one noticed not even Sabrina, because she was too interested in meeting Coach who Jett had told her was his second father.

When Kenzie finally acknowledge him, she tried to start an argument. Arguing with her had always been fun.

"You should have stopped at first!" If he had stayed on first, he would have scored when his teammate hit a home run and they would've won.

He defended himself. "Hernandez doesn't have a strong arm, I thought I had it."

Ben laughed. "Herny's got an arm. You got a bad report."

She still insisted. "You should have known better. You pull this crap all the time."

Shocked she even watched him, he argued back and felt a tingle of excitement go up his spine. To his surprise, her boyfriend jumped in. "Jett's right, he should have expected to make it."

Jett didn't care if he was defending him. The guy had no business jumping between him and Kenze — except he did.

Kenzie was not any happier, because she snapped, "I don't care what your computer says, he had a strong arm from left field all night."

Damn, she was right, but he would not concede. "That may be, but I was close enough to warrant a review." Hell, she was even more beautiful than she was six years ago, especially when she argued. Her soft waves still looked like silk and he longed to touch them. He couldn't pull her ponytail, because she had let her hair down. He pictured her taking her cap off and shaking her head, so her hair would fall into place.

Unfortunately, the umpire's ruling on the field held after reviewing the video.

"Waste of time... Besides, you shouldn't have slid feet first."

Before he could reply, Coach exclaimed, "Enough! You two have never gotten along. You're worse than siblings."

Ben said, "Jett's my brother, so they might as well be."

Jett wanted to shout you're both wrong, but his mouth was dry and couldn't form words as he watched the boyfriend whisper into her ear.

Dinner ended quickly when Kenzie stood before they cleared the plates citing work in the morning. Again jealousy jabbed him as her boyfriend followed her out of the restaurant.

Sabrina was bored, so he left next. She was disappointed, because he took her back to her hotel too early.  It was after midnight.

"When will you stop turning down my invitation to come up to my room?"

The correct answer was never, but he just shrugged.

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