24 - Ball Boy

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Ball Boy: Ball boys and ball girls are individuals, usually youths, who retrieve and supply balls for players or officials.

Ball Boy: Ball boys and ball girls are individuals, usually youths, who retrieve and supply balls for players or officials

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Present day...

Kenzie walked away from the dinner table when her phone rang. Brandon wasn't very happy about the time she was spending with Maisy. If she had to choose between the two the choice would be easy.

"Your friend is back with Paul," Brandon said sharply.

She stopped being Kimmy's keeper long ago. "I didn't know."

"She's bringing him down. He used to drink too much, but now he's an addict like her." His tone was accusing.

"None of this is my fault!"

Kimmy met Paul on her own and it was no secret she was addicted when they met in rehab, for goodness' sake. Their relationship was the unhealthy on again off again codependent kind.

"He's my brother!"

His frat brother, who he partied with in undergrad until he landed his dream job with the team. Kimmy was her best friend for as long as she could remember, but Kenzie had long since accepted she couldn't help her if Kim didn't want help. Jett had failed enough times.

"I've got to go."

"We'll discuss this later." He sounded like a father.

"Okay, yeah." She replied feeling irritated.

The minute, she returned to the table her father disappeared with Maisy. Betsy sat down across from her. "Are you alright?"

Sighing, she said, "Did you know she's back with Paul?"

Betsy let out a long breath. "She mentioned him. I figured that's where she's been staying."

"Well, apparently he's expanded beyond alcohol and we can guess who's to blame."

"Kenzie, I've gone to enough groups to know we can't blame ourselves. Kimmy made her own decisions long ago. You've stood by her longer than she deserved." Betsy was strong, but Kenzie worried about her.

Jett had taken over at the sink. Her eyes kept wandering to him washing the dishes and wiping down the counters. A well-known athlete was cleaning her father's kitchen.

When he finished, he said, "Kenzie, let's get out of here." She looked at him skeptically. "You agreed to be friends, now come on."

She climbed into his black SUV with the dark-tinted windows. The Kidz Bop station was on his SiriusXM radio. She had to smile, because he really was soft for Maisy. There was a side to Chris Jett very few people knew. Her belly lurched when she realized where he was driving.

"I'll spring for the pitches."

"Kenze, I asked you. It's on me and no arguing. I'm buying the ice cream and before you say one word think of my salary compared to yours."

There was no comparison, so it would be futile to argue. She still got a high from arguing with him. Was she addicted like Kim?

"Thanks for taking me away. I feel so bad for Maisy and Betsy."

"Maisy knows you love her and Betsy has support. I think your dad looks after her."

"He's a good neighbor."

"And friend," Jett added. She couldn't disagree. Her father was very supportive, especially with Maisy.

After he parked, she jumped down and met him in front of his car. He had on an old BC cap and sunglasses. She smiled, because he was trying to be incognito.

He handed her a twenty. "Do you mind?"

Again, it reminded her she knew a Jett no one did, yet she really didn't know the Major League star. Did he always hide his identity?

Like before he went first and before the first ball flung his way, he asked, "Do I look okay, coach."

She nodded, but the truth was he looked more than okay. He was more muscular than he'd been in college. His whole frame was broader. She looked away as he clobbered ball after ball.

He had a big grin. "Your turn."

Copying him, she asked about her stance. She felt déjà vu as his hands adjusted her hips and he stood behind her. Just for a second, she didn't resist the temptation and leaned into him. She felt heat travel through her body. She had hoped her body would have forgotten his. Instead, it came alive.

He whispered, "Want was never our problem." Tingles spread as his breath tickled her ears down to her spine. Her breath caught just as he stepped back.

It surprised her she hit any balls. He had left her off kilter.

"Someone's rusty." He teased.

"Someone doesn't hit balls for a living."

Jett laughed. "You've been twisting mine for years."

Kenzie ignored him, because it was futile to go there. "You are buying me an ice cream."

"Ironically, twist is your favorite."

Did he remember every moment too? Did he remember the way they were together? How could she be with Brandon when her body needed another? How could she have what she wanted when she loved her father?

Her ice cream was sweet and creamy. The sense of taste triggered memories. She pushed off her past with Jett and thought of Maisy.

She thought of Jett with Maisy. They each had separate relationships with the little girl. "You're great with her."

He shrugged and reached his hand out towards her face. She froze waiting for the searing heat of his fingertips on her skin. His thumb brushed the tip of her nose. "Chocolate." He held her eyes captive with his.

What was wrong with her? First, she leaned into him and then she felt disappointed he didn't kiss her.

"Kenze, we both made promises the day she was born. I haven't forgotten them, although I'm always playing catch up. I just can't be there for her as much as I'd like."

She saw a sadness in his eyes. "You're doing something right, because she loves you."

"She loves you, too."

He turned on his heel and walked towards his car. As she followed behind, he was looking down. Jett was quiet with a serious expression on the ride home.

Kenzie wondered if she said something wrong. When his car pulled in the drive, she said. "Thanks. It was fun."

Needing some connection, she reached out and squeezed his hand. He looked at her with sad eyes. "You should go before we both have bigger regrets."

Kenzie had enough regrets to fill a baseball stadium.

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