♛Year Three♛

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Chapter fouthteen : The Quidditch Finale

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Chapter fouthteen : The Quidditch Finale



(Y/n) 's Pov

Pretty much yeah... Since the map incident with Potter I didn't have to much of contact with them. Except with classes and the letter about Buckbeak losing the fight against my father... And all happend just because my brother needed to be the drama queen.

"YOU ALL NEED TO EAT IF WE WANT TO WIN!!!" yup this was a bad idea. Studying in the Great Hall before the great game. I heard Potter got that good broom. Malfoy wasn't quite happy about it.

"Who do you think will win?"

"As the matter of fact Dean, i have no clue. But i know that slytherinn CAN be so good to score in minus, so i really don't know" I smiled as I finished reading the book.

"Yeah, but Gryffindor is gonna win!" He said back

"we will see... and by the way, the time is right, we should go to the stadium." I said as i looked at him smiled and walked out.

As a matter of fact, today i didn't quite feel like talking. At night i had a strange feeling someone was watching me, not only from the outside but from inside my room. Almost every move i make makes me feel seen and feeling under pressure.

My some fresh air will help... I walked slowly, alredy hearing the chearing from both teams. Don't get me wrong, we slytherins ain't that bad, but sometimes when i look at us teying to play as a team, we fail miserably.

I dragged my feet slowly, draghing myself to the stadion, but sometjing caught my eye.

An animal..

Small animal.

Well bigger than a mouse, well technically it was a rat.

"Aren't you Ron's pet, Scabbers, little guy?" I ask smilling at him. He looked at me, titling his head like a human..

Like a human...

I smiled, i must be imagine things.

"Well Scabbers, i think Ron would like to get you back. So come-- AWW!" Damm (Y/n) you should have know that rat are not the nices. Why on earth does Ron even have a rat??

I looked at my finger. It was bleeding, not badly, but it was bleeding. Looking around i saw that Scabbers dissappeared. Why on earth do you have a rat???

I shocked my head, leaving for the stadium, holding my finger.

"-- Professor, sorry! Won't happen again! So, Gryffindor in the lead, thirty points to ten, and Gryffindor in possession --" Lee Jordan yelled as i was walking to the Gryffindor Tower.

The Miss Sneaky Boots (Harry Potter x reader ) (Year 3-5) (READ DESCRIPTION !!!)Where stories live. Discover now