♛Year Three♛

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Chapter nine: Thank you♛♕9¾♕♛

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Chapter nine: Thank you

Published: 24.April.2020

(Y/n) Pov.

I sigh. It was almost Christmas and that meant me and Draco needed to go home for holidays. Sadly I wanted to stay, but what happened this month I didn't dear to ask, so that's why I'm standing in front of the Hogwarts Express.

I looked around seeing Draco talking to his friends. I was quite angry with Draco. I barely say goodbye to Ron, Hermione and Potter. Potter promised that he would try to send me a letter in the meant time. Sadly there wasn't any time left for me to say goodbye to Seamus and Dean.

I took a deep breath, ready to enter the express. But I didn't. I was stopped by a soft cry. Looking back I was met with big black eyes. I smiled as I realised it was the black dog from months ago.

Kneeling in front of him, he came to me and sniffed me, giving me small licks onto my nose.

"You are the only one that I can get a real goodbye from... Isn't that right doggo?" The dog's eyes followed mine as he made his head go a little bit left, making me laugh as he wiggled his tail. I gave the dog a soft pat on his head as he gave me another lick on my face.

"That's not the best thing to do Miss Malfoy." Looking up I was met with professor's Lupin grey hair as it shines in the sunlight. The dog jerked a little when he saw professor's Lupin stare.

"You may not know where the dog was, what it was doing and maybe he could be dangerous."

"He dangerous? I don't think--"

"(Y/n) please... I don't want you to be in the hospital wing for Christmas and after all the express will go soon... Your brother is waiting for you..." Professor Lupin said as he smiled down at me, not taking his eyes of the dog, who in my opinion seemed not so happy with the professor.

"Sorry doggo, got to go." The dog looked at me, his ears falling to his head. Giving him my last pat on his head. He cried as he saw me leave to get to the train.

I stopped in my track when I heard Professor Lupin talking. Strangely I turned around and I was met with Lupin talking to the dog.

"Professor what are you doing?" Lupin and the dog turned their heads to me.

"Ah, nothing (Y/n) just people say that dogs understand you... If you talk to them about what is right and what is wrong..." Lupin said as the dog watched him.

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