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Chapter 5 (A:N Oh GOD! ALREADY CHAPTER FREAKING 5?!.... okay I’m good)


Shopping With Lou and Harry

***Brittney’s POV***

“Brittney… PST…. Brittney!”

Don’t turn around. Whatever I do in life I just don’t turn around.


Don’t do it Brittney.

I felt my feet slowly start turning, my head turning to the left slightest.

Gah! What are you doing?!

No stop it!

“Briittttneeeey!” Harry whisper yelled from behind me making the temptation of turning around even greater. God those curls…

Wait! Jayden! I’m in love with him! I think…


Faster than Jessica at an all you could buy sale at Top Shop I turned around and glared at the culprit that dared call me Britt-Britt.

“What did you call me Har- WHY ARE YOU NAKED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FLACKIN STORE?!” I said with wide eyes, my eyes glued to his… Little Harry.

“Well I’ve never had that reaction before.”

“LOU!” I screamed making a hyper Louis skip over to wear I stood frozen and Harry stood butt naked. “Can you please tell me why he’s naked!?”

“Oh like you don’t enjoy it, really.” Lou said rolling his eyes and looking at his nails with as much sass as he could muster. I stared at Louis with a blank expression, not bothering to answer the question we already knew the answer to.

“I think this calls for a group hug! Come here Lou!”

Lou immediately joined him in a hug where as I stood where I was, staring at the naked Harry and weird Lou in front of me. “Oh hell no.” I said pulling my head back a little as I said it.

“Come on Britt!” Lou and Harry said at the same time advancing me with giant smirk on their face.

“No!” I screamed backing away from the mean duo. “Ge- NO!”

***Jessica’s POV***

“I wonder what Britt, Lou, and Harry are up to.” I said as I sat behind the breakfast bar waiting for Liam to get back from Nandos. Niall shook his head as he poured tea into a cup, taking a seat beside me.

“No idea. We usually don’t let Lou or Harry go by themselves. We thought since Britt was with them they should be safe.”

“I guess your right I mean what the worst that cou-.”  I was cut off by a loud knock on Niall’s door making me jump a little. Yeah after the little events out Britt and I’s flat I was still a little jumpy. I’m a wimp, sue me.

Giving Niall I slight nod I got up from my seat since I knew between the two of us Niall was the lazier one, well on a bad day he was. I pulled the front door open with a bored expression, that expression changed quickly when I saw what was on the other side.

Standing in the hallway, was an extremely mad police officer, a very orange looking Louis, a butt naked Harry with what I hoped was whip cream all over him, and an annoyed Brittney covered in leaves and shredded carrots.

“Um…” I said with wide eyes, staring at the trio then to the police officer. “Do I want to know…?”

“Just don’t let them go to the mall alone for at least three months.” The police officer growled as he pushed them towards the flat.

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