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I was luckily able to escape the cart with the troublemakers when the train began moving. I was  just looking for a certain Slytherin.

I passed by distant friends such as Neville, the Patil twins, Cho Chang, and Ginny with her friends until I reached the cart I was looking for.

A grin spread over my face as I saw Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, and Draco Malfoy sitting in front of me. They grinned back and slid open the door and I stepped in. Pansy hugged me tightly and Blaise fist-pumped me. He would've hugged, but Draco shot him a deadly glare.

"Potter! Good to see you," Blaise smiled as him and Pansy sat on one side, while Draco and I were on the other.

"Good to see you, too, Zabini. You too, Pansy. I hope there won't be any bad blood between us this year." I frown.

She shakes her head. "There won't be. It was mainly because I was jealous of you and Malfoy, but I see how happy you two are together." She smiles a little and glances at Blaise. "Plus, I've found someone..."

As she trails off, Blaise drapes his arm over her shoulders, and I squeal in girly excitement I never have. "That's so cute! I'm so happy for you two!" I look at Draco. "Did you know?"

"I may have been told a while ago-"

"And you didn't tell me? Rude." I roll my eyes and cross my arms. I feel my face heat up as Draco smirks and lightly kisses my cheek.

"Sorry, love." He says in a cocky attitude that leaves me speechless.

"You have some visitors, Giovanna." Blaise points to the door and I see Harry standing there, about to knock. I sigh and stand, opening it up.

"Yes?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Hermione and Ron want to talk to you." He says.

"Well, I don't want to talk to them." I frowned. I  was still mad at them for not mentioning anything that was happening to us over the summer.

"No- they wanted to." Harry shakes his head. "But Dumbledore told them they weren't allowed to tell us anything. I mean, it makes sense, you saw how he was at the hearing. He didn't even say a word to us."

I think about it for a moment and decide to agree with him. "Alright, I'll go talk to them." I sighed. I went to leave, but Draco grabbed my arm.

"No, don't leave," He practically whimpered.

I laughed a little. "Draco, come on, it won't be more than five minutes. I'll be right back." I kiss his forehead as I pull my arm from his grip and leave the cart.

"I've never seen Malfoy so... sensitive." Harry says in wonder as we walk to his train car.

"Me either. It's weird, I mean, he never put up walls around me, but he's not even trying to put them up around others either." I shrug.

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