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I didn't have time to worry about the Dark Lord penetrating my mind within the next week. Not that he'd find anything interesting inside of it- I was too busy focusing on my O.W.L's.

Usually, I never minded testing. I always got high marks on them, and I always studied beforehand, but not too much that I'd overwork myself. However, with Umbridge just sitting at the front of the classroom, it already made the test so much worse.

The desks were in long rows sorted by house. At least I was able to look up and see Hermione, Ron, and Harry towards the front of the classroom behind one another. I, however, was stuck towards the back with the Slytherins. I sat behind Pansy and in front of Draco.

It went on like this everyday of testing, until the very last day. We were in the middle of our Theory of Charms exam, the large clock pendulum swinging slowly behind where Umbridge stood.

I sighed and looked up from my parchment, stretching my cramped hand, when what sounded like a bomb exploding came from outside the testing room. Everyone looked up and turned towards the door, myself included.

Two more of these noises were made before Umbridge began walking in between the columns of desks, towards the doors of the room. We all watched as she pulled them open and took a few steps out.

A spark came flying at her face and hovered before her before it went flying into the classroom, exploding into a blue firework. I smiled a little, sitting up straighter. That was a Weasley firework.

A few seconds went by of Umbridge peering around the corner before there were cheers, and Fred and George came whizzing into the room on their broomsticks. They tossed out more sparks which turned into a showcase of fireworks.

All of the papers on our desks also went flying into the air, getting ripped up. I laughed delightedly and flipped Fred a thumbs up, who swooped down to high-five me. More sparks came down into mini fireworks in front of my face as I ran over to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Look at her!" I exclaimed, smirking and pointing to Umbridge, who was standing helpless. Ron laughed.

Draco and the rest were standing close by. A spark hung in front of Goyle's face, who it it to Crabbe, who ran from it. Draco had been laughing at them, but the spark now came at him, who ran away. The spark exploded, outlining his frightened expression.

I walked over to him and smirked. "I know you don't like the Weasley's, Draco, but Fred and George are brilliant."

"I'll give them this. Only this." He glared at me before grinning at the sight above us. "This is pretty wicked."

Filch had hurried into the room with a mop, not that it would do anything. The twins set off one last, rather large, firework. The smoke and sparks from it transformed into a glittering dragon. It went soaring after Umbridge, who ran back out of the room.

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