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A month or so had passed, and there wasn't a single sign of Voldemort. Harry kept bugging me to tell Dumbledore about what happened, and Hermione kept bugging Harry and I to tell him about what Umbridge did to us. I did neither. I hadn't told anyone- not Ron, Hermione, or Draco, about detention. I told myself it was just a hallucination from the pain of the quill.

But I knew it wasn't true. I knew there was so much more that I didn't know. But I also knew nothing more had happened, and as of right now, there was no need to worry anyone.

I quickly got up one morning, realizing it was still early and the sun was rising and most people would still be asleep. Stopping at my dorm, I grabbed some parchment and a normal quill, then sat at a table in the common room.

Dear Padfoot, I wrote,

I hope all is well with you and everyone else. I'd love to say it is for me, but that would be lying. First off, the weather is colder. Winter's on the way. Secondly, I can't believe I ever thought Hogwarts was my home. It used to be my happy place, but I feel more alone than ever. Hagrid's not even here to cheer me up. The only one I can talk to about anything is Harry, and even he's distant at times. Everyone thinks our story of Voldemort returning is rubbish. But it's not.

And I know that for certain more than anyone.

I took a deep breath before I continued, my hand shaking.

Something's happened. And I haven't told anyone. Harry only knows because he was there. About a month and a half ago, I received a detention. I won't go into detail about that, it's unimportant.

I had to use this quill which used ink that was actually my blood. It cut open my hand with my own handwriting, carving my words on the back of my hand. Harry had to, as well. However, his were normal, bloody cuts. Mine were turning black.

And then I slipped into a vision. Or dream. I'm not quite sure. I had one similar before, back at the hearing before school started. It started with a strange feeling when dementors were mentioned, and my scar burned. Harry hadn't felt anything. The feeling didn't pass, it lingered. And then, when Voldemort was mentioned, I sort of passed out.

When I woke, I was in a dark room, and it was the same dark room as the one I woke in during detention. I heard Voldemort's voice and such and I'm just really freaked out. But nothing's happened since then, hence why I haven't told anyone.

That's all for now.

Prongs #2

After sealing the letter in an envelope, I quietly left the common room to head to the owlery to mail the letter. 

I got lost in my own thoughts as I made my way up from the dungeons. It was amazing how peaceful the hallways were when they weren't overrun by students. When I made it to the owlery, I was surprised to find Harry there.

"Sirius?" He asked when he saw me walk in, holding my letter. I just nodded a little. I didn't have much to say anymore these days. "I'm worried about you, you know. And not just because of detention. You're so quiet anymore, and you look like you don't get enough and you-" he stopped, taking a deep breath. "I'm just worried."

"Don't be." I shrug, holding out my arm as Ivory flew down and landed on it. "I'm okay. I just always have a lot on my mind, that's all." I fed her a treat before handing her the letter. She and Hedwig flew off to find Sirius together.

Harry frowned, wanting to argue, but kept quiet. I leaned against the edge of the balcony, looking out into the day. "Hey, is that Luna Lovegood?" I asked, pointing down to a girl with long blonde hair walking towards the forest. Harry walks over and joins me, looking where I'm pointing.

"Yeah, I think it is." His eyebrows furrowed. "What's she doing?"

I grinned. "Wanna go find out? Come on, we haven't had an adventure in a while!" Harry rolled his eyes but gave in. I clapped and grabbed his hand, pulling him through and out of the castle.

We followed after Luna and into the forest, shivering slightly from the chilly weather. As we walked through the trees, we found her standing barefoot and petting a horse-like creature that was bony and had leathery skin.

"Hello, Potter twins." She greeted before turning around.

I opened my mouth to ask how she knew it was us but decided against it.

"Your feet," Harry looks down. "Aren't they cold?"

"A bit." She nods. "Unfortunately all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared. I suspect nargles are behind it."

"Wait- blue?" I speak up, and they look at me. "The shoes, I mean. Blue with white laces?"

"That's one pair." Luna nods.

"A third year in Slytherin was carrying them around the other day. I'll fight them from him." I tell her.

"That would be appreciated." She smiles a little and I nod.

We're all quiet for another moment, taking in the creatures. I had never seen them before, and although they looked frightening, I wasn't very scared.

"What are they?" Harry asked.

I remember back to the first day of school, when we were getting in the carriages. Draco, Pansy, and Blaise all said the carriage was pulling itself, like always. They didn't see the creatures, but I did.

"They're called Thestrals," Luna answered. "They're quite gentle, really, but people avoid them because they're a bit..." She trailed off.

"Different." Harry and I finish her sentence at the same time. She smiles a little at us.

Luna began walking towards a baby Thestral, and Harry and I followed.

"But why can't anyone else see them?" I ask.

"They can only be seen by people who've seen death." She explains. I frowned.

"So, you've known someone who's died then?" Harry asked.

"Obviously, Harry." I huffed, rolling my eyes.

Luna nodded. "My mum. She was quite an extraordinary witch, but, she did like to experiment, and one day one of her spells went badly wrong. I was nine."

"I'm sorry." Harry told her.

"As am I," I added.

"Yes, it was rather horrible. I do feel very sad about it sometimes, but I've got dad." We stop in front of the baby Threstral, and Luna fishes an apple out of her bag. "We both believe you two, by the way. That He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back. And you both fought him. And the Ministry and Prophet are conspiring against you guys and Dumbledore."

"Thanks," Harry says quietly.

"You're about the only ones that do," I sighed.

"Don't think that's true." Luna tells us. "I suppose that's how he wants you guys to feel."

"What do you mean?"

"How who wants us to feel?'

"Well, if I were You-Know-Who," Luna shrugs, "I'd want you to feel cut off from everyone else. Because, if it's just you two alone, you're not as much of a threat." She smiles a little.

Harry and I grinned back at her, then at each other.

Luna was right. We weren't alone.

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