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"Come on, Giovanna, focus!" Draco huffed, dropping his head in his hand. We were at the library, studying for O.W.L.S, and it wasn't going great.

"Draco, you know I suck at Potions!" I glared at the books in front of me.

"Yes, but that isn't a valid reason why you should fail it. Now, what potion is created by mixing powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" He raised his eyebrows, reading off of the practice test questions.

I thought about it as I skimmed the answer options. It wasn't Polyjuice- I've made that. I know what's in it. It wasn't the Elixir of Life- that was a long gone stone. And it just didn't seem like the ingredients for Draught of Peace.

"Draught of Living Death," I said, reading the last option.

"Correct," Draco nodded.

"Fantastic! Now, let's move onto Defense Against the Dark Arts, shall we?" I clapped my hands together. I slammed the Potions book shut and slid it across the table, away from us.

"You don't need to study for DADA, you're the top of the whole school in that class," Draco shook his head.

"Yes, but I want to. Hit me." I readied myself for the questions.

"Where would you find a Kappa?"

"Shallow ponds."

"What power does mastering the art of Occlumency give you?"

"You can defend the mind against external penetration." Hmm, sounds like something that's happened to me. Have to keep Occlumency in mind.

"What will the Reductor Curse do to an object?"

"Blow it to pieces. Boom!" I made an explosion gesture with my hands and Draco laughed and shook his head.

"What other magical creature does the Patronus Charm work agaisnt?"


"Used right, the incantation Relashio will produce...?"

"The Revulsion Jinx."

"A mixture of powdered silver and dittany can be used to..."

"Seal a fresh werewolf bite."

"According to Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which of these creatures is classified as most dangerous?"

I scanned the answer options. "Chimaera." Draco nodded.

"Which incantation would you use to disarm your opponent?"

Memories of the graveyard and fighting Voldemort came rushing back. I had used that spell to fight him. All the feelings of fear and grief and anger I had felt that night hit me. "Expelliarmus," I whispered.

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