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I was dragged from my thoughts by the sound of a gavel hitting wood before Cornelius Fudge began speaking. Although Harry and I sat in separate chairs, he still reached over to give my hand a quick, reassuring squeeze.

"Disciplinary hearing of the twelfth of August into offenses committed by Harry James Potter and Giovanna Lily Potter, residents at Number 4 Privet Drive Little Whinging, and The Weasley's Burrow." The Minister began.

"Witness for defense," A loud, booming voice interrupted. We turned to the one and only Professor Dumbledore entering the room.

My face set into a grim scowl, and Draco raised an eyebrow. I shook my head, signaling that I'll explain why I'm mad at Dumbledore later.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," Dumbledore continued.

"You- you got our message that the time and place of the hearing had been changed, did you?" Fudge asked, clearly wishing Dumbledore wasn't here. As mad as I was at the man, I'm glad he was.

"I must've missed it, but by a happy mistake, I arrived at the Ministry three hours early." Dumbledore answered, and I smirked a little. "Charges?"

"The charges the accused are as follows; that they did knowingly, in full awareness of the illegality of their actions, produce Patronus charms in the presence of a muggle. Do either of you deny producing said Patronuses?" The Minister looks at Harry and I.

"No, but-" Harry tried.

"And you were aware that you were forbidden to use magic outside school while under the age of seventeen?"

"Yes, we were, but-" This time I tried.

"Witches and wizards of the wizarding marks-"

"We were only doing it because of the dementors!" Harry exclaimed. That shut Fudge up.

"Dementors? In Little Whinging?" Amelia Bones spoke up.

"Yes, that's quite clever." Fudge pointed at her. "Muggles can't see dementors, can they, boy? Highly convenient."

"He's not lying." I scowled. "What, you think we just whipped out a Patronus for the hell of it?" Dumbledore gave me look. "Sorry- for the fun of it? We would've died if we didn't!" Draco smirks, clearly proud of  my lack of respect.

"There were two of them, and if we hadn't-" Harry tried to add.

"Enough." Fudge stops us. "I'm sorry to  interrupt what I'm  sure would've been a very well rehearsed story, but since you can produce no witnesses of  the event-"

"Pardon me, Minister," Dumbledore stops him. "But as it happens, we can."

Harry and I were taking to the stands at the side of  the court, unfortunately the ones on the opposite side as Draco since we weren't allowed to converse with anyone. My eyebrows raised and Harry's mouth opened as we saw Harry's neighbor Mrs. Figg walk out.

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