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"Make it a powerful memory!" Harry called to everyone as we spent another meeting practicing the patronus charm. "The happiest you can remember, allow it to fill you up!"

"Keep going, Seamus, you've almost got it!" I called to the Gryffindor, who had decided he believed Harry and I about Voldemort being back, and joined Dumbledore's Army due to Dean's convincing.

"George, your turn now," Harry said to one of the twins.

"Expecto Patronum!" George exclaimed, an a silvery light emitted from his wand.

"Brilliant, George! Keep trying," I grinned at the boy.

"A full body patronus is the most difficult to produce," Harry told the crowd.

"Hence why I was the youngest in wizarding history to make one," I smirked, "I'm just that good."

"Bore off, Potter!" Fred called over to me, and I laughed.

"But shield forms can also be useful against a variety of opponents," Harry finished.

Ginny cast the spell, and the light formed a horse. "Fantastic, Ginny!" Harry exclaimed, and the younger girl blushed. I smirked.

"Good, Gin! But stay focused! Your patronus can only protect you so long as you're focused," I added.

Hermione sent her otter over my way and I grinned, giving her a thumbs up as I walked over to Ron.

I stood, my hands on my hips. "Alright, let's see it, Ronald."

"Expecto Patronum," Ron said firmly, and a dog appeared, bounding around, knocking Neville off his feet.

"Brilliant!" I high-fived him before moving on.

All of a sudden, a dull banging noise filled the room, and the chandelier hanging above shook a little. The conversations quieted as the banging grew louder. Luna's rabbit that had been hopping around faded as the lights flickered.

We all slowly walked towards the door, where there was now a small hole in the wall. Nigel was closest, peering through it. Harry pushed him backwards to look through it himself.

"Get back!" Harry suddenly exclaimed, and we all walked back as the wall exploded, due to a spell Umbridge had casted.

There, standing before the blown-out wall, was Umbridge, Filch, and the Slytherin members in her Inquisitorial Squad. My eyes widened, searching for blonde hair.

Draco was seen two seconds later dragging Cho Chang into view, his wand keeping her trapped in his arms. He was sneering, proud to have caught her and our group, until his eyes landed on me.

They widened. I bit my lip.

I totally forgot he had no clue I was in this.

"Get them," Umbridge hissed.

Harry, Cho, and I were escorted to Dumbledore's office while the rest were brought to a detention in which we'd be joining late.

"-watching them for weeks," I tuned back into what Umbridge was saying as we now stood in Dumbledore's office, accompanied by Fudge, Kinglsey, Percy Weasley, and another wizard. "And see? Dumbledore's Army." She read from the paper that held all our signed names. "Proof of what I've been telling you right from the beginning, Cornelius.

She turned to Dumbledore. "All your fear mongering about You-Know-Who never fooled us for a minute. We saw your lies for what they were, a smokescreen for your big to seize control of the Ministry."

I struggled against Percy's grip as he held on to Harry and I's robes. "I'm practically your sister. I grew up with you," I hissed at the ginger, but he ignored me.

"Naturally." Dumbledore told Umbridge.

"No, professor!" Harry exclaimed. "He had nothing to do with it, it was us!" Harry looked at the Minister and Umbridge, and I nodded in agreement.

"Most noble of you, Harry, to cover for me, but as it's been pointed out, the parchment clearly says 'Dumbledore's Army', not 'Potter's'. I instructed Harry and Giovanna to form this organization, and I, and I alone, am responsible for its activities." Dumbledore denied Harry.

"Dispatch an owl to the Daily Prophet, if we hurry we should still make the morning edition." Fudge tells Percy. "Dawlish, Shacklebolt, you will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban to await trial for conspiracy and sedition-"

I jerked my shoulder, trying to free myself from Percy's grip, but Dumbledore was already backing away.

"Ah, I thought we might hit this little snag," He said, taking a step back from the advancing Ministry people. "You seem to be laboring under the illusion that I'm going to- what was the phrase?- come quietly."

Fudge beckoned Dumbledore, who ignored him.

"Well I can tell you this, I have no intention of going to Azkaban."

"Enough of this!" Umbridge whispered. "Take him!"

However, before anyone could move, Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix, swooped down above the headmaster, who clapped his hands up on the bird's tail, disappearing in a quick flash of fire that sent Umbridge and the Minister flying backwards.

Kingsley turned to the Minister. "Well, you may not like him, Minister, but you can't deny Dumbledore's got style."

I stifled my laugh.

I was practically wincing with every step as I made my way back to the Slytherin common room, know I'd have to face Draco.

Sure enough, he was waiting for me when I arrived. I stood there, waving a little.

"Don't give me that," he scoffed. "How come you didn't tell me you were in that? I would've tried not to get you caught-"

"Honestly, Draco, rumors of a secret group against Umbridge? Did you think I wouldn't take part in that?" I raised my eyebrows. "Didn't think you were that daft."

He was silent, frowning. "It's not a matter of if I knew or not, it's the fact you didn't trust me enough to tell me." He glared at me.

"And for good reason!" I exclaimed. "Look at you!" I gestured to the pin that plainly had the words Inquisitorial Squad on it.

"You know I wouldn't turn you in or report you, Giovanna," he told me.

"I know. But you'd do it to anyone else. Any one of my friends, you'd turn in. Tell me I'm wrong." I nodded when he didn't say anything.

"You knew this wouldn't be easy. And it wasn't me, really, it was that Chang Girl. She told me everything, I was just the one who caught her." Draco shrugged.

"Knew I didn't like her," I scowled, shaking my head and collapsing onto a couch. "Merlin, am I tired."

"You're seriously just going to go to sleep after all that happened?" Draco asked, plopping down next to me.

I smirked and laid back. "Of course. What else is there to do?"

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