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The match was a rough one. Crabbe and Goyle didn't come to play, even I had to watch out for the bludgers they were swinging wildly. Eventually, it was put to an end when I grabbed the snitch out of the air, a centimeter in front of Harry.

I didn't even feel my usual rush of joy when I won the game for Slytherin. I just had wanted the game to end; I was pissed off with Draco and Harry yelling things at each other, and Crabbe and Goyle playing dirty.

I was too busy returning the Snitch to the box of Quidditch balls to realize what was happening on the other side of the field. I returned the snitch to its home before turning when I heard Madam Hooch furiously blowing her whistle.

My eyes widened and I gasped as I saw Harry, George, and Draco in a full-on fist fight. Harry roughly punched his fist at Draco's jaw, sure to leave a dark bruise, and George was holding Draco down. Draco hit them both back, but before he could do any real damage back, Madam Hooch was on it.

"Impedimenta!" She yelled, and Harry and George went flying away from the blonde.

I ran over beside the professor, unable to say anything. I knew Harry and Draco didn't like each other, but this was a whole new level.

"I've never seen behavior like it- back up to the castle, both of you, and straight to your Head of House's office! Go! Now!" Madam Hooch yelled at them.

The crowd began to disperse once Harry and George reached the castle. I turned to Draco, fuming. He was laughing with Crabbe and Goyle.

"What the bloody hell?" I seethed, grabbing his arm and pulling him away form the others roughly. "I know damned well my brother wouldn't punch you if he didn't have a reason. What did you do?" I could feel my face heating up with anger.

"Nothing." Draco simply smirked. I don't know who this Draco was, or what he did with the one I said "I love you" too, but I didn't like him.

"Don't bullshit me, Draco, what did you do?" I asked, growing angrier by the second.

"I may have said a few things..." He trailed off and I raised my eyebrows, "About the Weasley family..."

He didn't have to say anything more. I knew the things he said when he was younger, I could only imagine how bad they were now that he was older.

"What is wrong with you? Haven't I told you not to say anything bad about them? They're my family!" I exclaimed.

"About that, I also may have said something about your mother..." He winced, "Your real mother..."

I stopped. Stopped moving, stopped breathing, stopped talking. I just closed my mouth and nodded, looking down and then back up at him. "You're a horrible person, Draco Malfoy." I said before turning and hurrying away from him.

I ignored him calling my name and left the quidditch fields, into the courtyard. I found a deserted area and sunk down onto one of the benches, dropping my head into my hands and letting the tears fall.

Eventually the sadness faded and turned into pure anger. I grabbed my wand from my quidditch robe pocket and pointed it angrily at the stone wall across from me. Without saying anything, the stones broke and fell as though I had casted a Reducto spell.

An awfully familiar light-headed feeling overcame me, and I didn't even try to fight it. I blinked slowly a few times before slipping into whatever it was I was entering.

"Ah, Giovanna, nice to see you again," Voldemort's voice said. I opened my eyes and saw I was standing in the same familiar dark hallway. 

Only, this time, Voldemort was actually standing a few feet away from me.

I jumped and instantly took a few steps back, holding my wand out in front of me.

"Just get done a quidditch game?" He asked, looking at my uniform.

"Don't make small talk with me." I say lowly.

"You're angry." He says.

"Really?!" I exclaimed, unable to stop myself. "Would've never guessed!"

"I can help you control your anger. I can help you save it for when you need it. So you can get what you really want." He explained, taking a few steps closer to me.

I shook my head, the anger returning. "You haven't any idea what I really want."

"Yes, I do. I know because I was once in your position. Too angry, too powerful for my own good. I didn't know how to control it because no one was there for you. But, Giovanna, I'm here for you." Voldemort was now standing a foot away.

"You can't help me." I shake my head, my voice breaking.

"You want revenge. I wanted it, too." He says.

I closed my eyes, a few tears falling, before nodding a little. I was so angry, I really just wanted others to feel it, too.

"Use your anger and power to get revenge. I can show you." He offered.

I opened my eyes. "I don't have any powers. I'm just a witch."

He laughed a little. "No, Potter, you are so much more than that. In time, you'll see it, too. But, for now, just think about my offer."

He placed a hand on my shoulder, but it felt so real that I instantly backed up, causes a rip to appear on the shoulder of my uniform.

"No." I shook my head. "You want to kill me."

"And you want to kill me. Who's to say we can't work together?" He asked, leaving me confused as the room faded.

I gasped, my eyes opening, taking me out of the vision. "It felt so real..." I whispered to myself. I looked down at my shoulder where the rip on my uniform had been.

It was there. The rip was there.

I looked up quickly, my heart racing. I looked around, but the courtyard was empty. I shivered, and hurried inside the castle to find Harry.

The Fat Lady took one look at my scared, sad, and mad expression and let me into the Gryffindor common room without hesitation.

I walked into the middle of an argument between Harry and Ron. I didn't even bother trying to break it up, let alone join it. I walked over to Hermione, who was standing by the window.

"Hey," She greeted, "Are you okay?"

I hesitated before shaking my head. "I had another, uh, vision..." I trailed off. Hermione nodded slowly then pointed to the rip on my shoulder.

"What's that from?" She asked.

"Uh, bludger." I say quickly.

She nodded skeptically, but didn't ask anything more. I leaned my back on the windowsill, my arms crossed as I looked at the two boys arguing.

"This is the worst I've ever felt in my life." Ron mumbled, the argument coming to an end.

"Join the club," Harry said bitterly. I nodded in agreement.

"Well," Hermione said, still looking out of the window. "I can think of one thing that might cheer you three up."

"Oh yeah?" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Yeah," She turned to us and smiled. "Hagrid's back."

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