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"He said his father doesn't tell him much."

"Come on, there has to be some kind of clue or at least a reference to Voldemort in his letters!"

"Harry, can you please stop pestering me about Draco's letters? I think it's very possible that they could simply just be about our intimate relationship." I glared at my twin.

"I still can't believe you're dating him." Harry shook his head and pushed himself on the swing, digging his heels into the ground to move backwards.

This year I came to the Dursley's with Harry for the summer. I really didn't want to, but I didn't go before fourth year, so I owed him. I sighed and ran a hand through my tangled hair and looked over at the group of little kids on the playground.

The sun was too bright to look up for long, so I studied my shadow as I sat on the swing next to Harry's. I hadn't received a letter from Draco since the end of June. It was now the beginning of August. I was slightly worried but I haven't written him. I didn't know who his father was in contact with and I didn't want to risk anything.

"Twelve o'clock," Harry muttered, and I looked up. Dudley and his gang that seriously reminded me of a bunch of Crabbe's and Goyle's were approaching. I groaned but prepared myself for any remarks, a scowl covering my face.

"Hey Big D," Harry greeted. "Beat up another ten year old?"

"This one deserved it." Dudley shrugged. His goons let out a chorus of agreements. I raised my eyebrows.

"Five against one..." I nodded. "Bold move,  D."

"Very brave." Harry added.

"Well you two are ones to talk!" Dudley exclaimed defensively. "Moaning in your sleep every night, at least I'm not afraid of my pillow!"

My gaze hardened. Harry and I have had countless nightmares about Voldemort and Cedric's death this past summer, and they were the same exact ones. If he had one, I had it too.

"'Don't kill Cedric!'" Dudley mocked. "Who's Cedric, your boyfriend?" He looked at Harry. He had tried making that joke with me and I stuck my wand under his chin and said through gritted teeth that I had a boyfriend. He didn't bother asking again.

"Shut up," Harry glared at our cousin.

"'He's going to kill us, Mum!'" He kept going. "Where is your Mum, Potters? Is she dead?" He smirked. "Is she dead?"

Harry and I didn't think twice as we both got off the swings and stabbed our wands under his chin. His goons laughed, but Dudley went pale with fear.

All of a sudden the sky darkened as angry storm clouds formed and high winds picked up. Thunder could be heard not too far away. Dudley's goons stopped laughing and quickly hurried off, leaving Harry, Dudley, and I.

"What are you two doing?" Dudley asked us.

"We're not doing anything!" We exclaimed at the same time, looking up at the sky, confused. I shivered as the temperature dropped. The sky darkened even more, if possible.

"Guys, come on!" I tugged at both boy's sleeves and we all took off in the direction of the Dursely's house. As we ran past the field, rain began falling down in sheets.

We found a tunnel and quickly ran inside to shield us from the rain and the storms. We stopped to catch our breath and I turned to Harry.

"The hell? It was bright and sunny a moment ago? You don't think..." I trailed off, my heart beat speeding up.

Harry paled but quickly shook his head. "No. No, he doesn't know where we live. He can't've found us this quick."

Luckily Dudley was too busy panting to ask who we were talking about. I shivered again as the cold wind brushed us. The lights began to flickered, and we looked up to see a layer of frost spreading across them.

"Cold... dark..." I trailed off, already knowing what this meant. I turned slowly to my brother, keeping my eyes on the light. "Harry-" I was cut off when I saw him being held against the wall by a dementor.  "Dudley, run!" I exclaimed, pulling up my wand again.

I let happy thoughts fill me. Harry and I, Ron and I, Hermione, Eli. Draco. Our first kiss. That did the trick.

"Expecto Patronum!" I called, and a large snake formed from a silvery light. The snake attacked the dementor and Harry was freed from its grip.

Dudley ran down the tunnel but slipped on a puddle and fell. Another dementor entered from the other side of the tunnel and began performing the Kiss on Dudley.

I went to turn to Harry, but the dementor that had been holding him pushed me back and began performing the Kiss. Instantly feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and dread began to fill me and I looked to Harry pleadingly.

He regained his composure and drew his wand. "Expecto Patronum!" He yelled, and a bright stag charged my dementor, making it loose grip on me. I gasped in air as it was hurled away and out of the tunnel. Harry directed the stag to Dudley's, which was also flown away.

I let out a strained sigh and looked at Harry, then noticed the woman behind him. I quickly stowed away my wand, and Harry turned to see who I was looking at.

"Ms. Figg!" He exclaimed, surprised.

"Don't put your wands away, Potters, they might come back!" She hissed. I looked at Harry with a confused look, who just shrugged.

We helped up a drowsy Dudley and helped walk him home alongside of Ms. Figg, each of his arms around our shoulders. "Ms. Figg, how..." Harry trailed off.

"Well, with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named back, Dumbledore needed someone to keep an eye on you two, of course!" She exclaimed.

"You know Dumbledore?" I ask, and she nods. We arrived to Number 4 Privet Dr., and Ms. Figg gave us one last warning before heading inside her house across the street.

Harry let out a breath and looked at me with wide eyes, thinking about the events in the last hour. "What the fu-"

I smirked and cut him off, "Shh."

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