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I guess first day nerves got the best of me, because I was up way too early for my liking. I convinced myself to at least lie in my bed with my eyes closed for longer, even if I wasn't actually asleep.

Eventually I grew too anxious and simply started getting ready for the first day of classes. I had Defense Against the Dark Arts today and no one, not even Umbridge, would spoil that for me. DADA had been my favorite since day one, and nothing will change that.

Or so I thought.

"It's time!" I shook Draco's hand excitedly as we walked out of the Great Hall. We had just finished lunch and we were heading to DADA. 

"Okay, I know! Calm down!" He laughed. "Umbridge's voice is annoying, though. Are you really looking forward to that?"

My smile fell into a frown. "No."

He laughs a little. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your mood."

"Not forgiven," I glare playfully at him before pulling my hand from his and making my way over to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Well look who finally detached from her boyfriend long enough to say hello!" Ron exclaims, rolling his eyes. 

"Oh, boohoo." I pouted before hugging him. "Hello, Ronald."

"Yeah, yeah." He grins, hugging me back. "I'd offer to sit next to you, but your brother's already claimed me."

"Believe me, that's okay. I'm going with Hermione," I grinned, and she smiled back. "But, I'm sure, we can have it arranged for you two to sit together." I smirked.

Ron and Hermione instantly blushed and started making excuses, mixed with a few weak insults to each other.

"Hermione you actually look pretty today-"
"Well, Ron, for once I actually like your hair-"

"Okay, enough of that." Harry cuts them off, grabbing Ron's arm and pulling him into the classroom. I smirk again at Hermione before we sit in the seats diagonal from the boys.

"So, what was that all about?" Hermione glared daggers at me as we took our seats.

"I wanted to prove my suspicions correct. You and Ron clearly have something going on, don't you?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Pshh," Hermione flicks her hand as if swatting a fly away. "No. There's nothing between him and I."

Draco walks over and wraps his arms around me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder. He only lifts his head after Harry glares at him and threatens to rip his arms off. Once Ron calms Harry down, Draco lets go of me.

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