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Now that Umbridge was gaining more control, new rules were appearing left and right. And Draco's stupid Inquisitorial Squad didn't get him out of all of them. Boys and girls weren't allowed within six feet of each other.

Draco thought being part of Umbridge's group meant he could walk around the halls with his arm around me, but with a wave of her wand, we were pushed apart by Umbridge.

"How are you a part of her stupid group!" I exclaimed when we were in the common room, pulling on my hair. "I can't stand her!"

"She's just another teacher-"

I rounded on him, glaring. "No she's bloody not! She's- she's horrible! I hate her!" I shrieked, then stormed off to let my anger die. I would've stayed, but I didn't want to take my anger out on Draco and say something I would regret.

Before heading into the halls, I wrapped my invisibility cloak around me so Umbridge or the goons in her squad didn't catch me. I made it all the way to the Gryffindor entrance before I realized I didn't know the current password.

However, luckily for me, a group of first year Gryffindors were down the hall. I ripped my cloak off before they realized I was invisible and waited for them to come closer. Their conversation slowed and stopped when they walked up to me.

"Hey, whores- uh, I mean," I shook my head, hating how Eli wore off on me. "Hey, kids... wanna help me out?"

They shared an unsure look. "With what?" One brave girl with light brown hair and a voice that reminded me of how snotty Hermione used to be in first year.

"Uh, getting in." I nodded my head at the Fat Lady, who was watching the interactions quietly.

"And why would we do that?" The same girl asked, much to her friend's surprise.

"Anna, that's Giovanna Potter!" A girl with short black hair hissed, watching me with wide eyes as I smirked and flicked my eyebrows up and down quickly.

"So?" 'Anna' drawled. "She's a Slytherin. Slytherins aren't allowed in the Gryffindor common room." She looked away, sticking her nose into the air.

"Fucking bitch," I muttered, rolling my eyes and smirking again at Anna shocked face when she heard my profanity. My eyes lit up when I saw some older Gryffindors coming our way. "Oi! Creevey!" I called.

Colin Creevey, the boy that took pictures of Harry and I in our second year and his first, was now fourteen. Time flies, huh? He nodded at me, silently asking what was up. He had calmed down around Harry and I over the years.

"Let me in, will you? Bitchy kindergarteners over here won't." I ask, ignoring Anna's scoffing that sounded slightly like a cat mewling.

"Yeah, I got you," The boy said, and turned to the Fat Lady. "Lacewing." The portrait swung open and I followed Colin and his friends inside, placing my hand flat on Anna's head and shoving her out of the way.

"Excuse me!" The little asshat called to Colin as we walked in. "You can't just do that!"

Colin raised his eyebrows. "Giovanna here can do whatever she wants. And I'll assist her with it." He rolled his eyes before walking away.

I bent my knees and looked Anna in the eyes. "Do you know who I am, asswipe?" I asked.

"Gio!" I heard Hermione exclaim as her and Ron looked over to where I was. Ron just laughed.

"When I was your age," I continued to Anna, "I fought Voldemort. And, then, in second year, I killed a giant serpent and got stabbed in the stomach, after that, I fought off a hundred dementors and the year after that I competed in the Triwizard Tournament, went underwater for an hour to save my boyfriend, went into a deadly magical maze, and fought Voldemort at the graveyard where I also watched him return. Oh, and I've won the Quidditch and House Cups for Slytherin."

She was stunned into silence.

"Right. That's what I thought." I nodded and stood, walking over to the couch Hermione and Ron were at, sitting down. Ron was in the middle of Hermione and I. "Nasty little wanker you got there." I scowled.

"Reminds me of you our first year," Ron grinned at Hermione and poked her side. She giggled and blushed, pushing his hand away.

"Shut up, Ronald," She rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile. I grinned at the two, really not understanding how they couldn't see connection between themselves.

But at that moment Harry walked into the common room, a dazed look on his face. I raised my eyebrows as he slowly walked over to us and sat down on the floor in front of us.

"Alright there, mate?" Ron asked him.

Hermione's eyes widened. "It was Cho, wasn't it?" She exclaimed excitedly. "You and Cho!"

"Him and Cho what?" I looked at the girl, then my brother. "Kissed?" My eyebrows shot up as my twin nodded a little. I gasped and clapped my hands. "Little Harry had his first kiss!"

Harry grabbed a pillow and threw it at me.

"How was it?" Ron asked, leaning forward.

"Uh..." Harry frowned. "Wet." We gave him a look. "I mean, she was sort of crying."

"That bad at it, are you?" Ron asked, unable to hide his grin and I laughed while Hermione glared at him.

"I'm sure Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory." She backed up Harry, who nodded firmly at Ron.

I tilted my head and squinted my eyes, giving them all a 'are you sure about that?' look.

"Cho spends half her time crying these days," Hermione sighed.

"You'd think a bit of snogging would cheer her up," Ron laughed.

"Don't you understand how she must be feeling?" Another argument brewed between the two. I don't know how they'll deal with each other when they're married. All I know is I can't wait to watch.

Ron went quiet and Harry's eyes shifted from Hermione, to Ron, to me, then back to Hermione.

"Well, obviously she's feeling sad about Cedric. And therefore confused about liking Harry, and guilty about kissing him." Hermione explained, and I nodded, understanding. "Conflicted because Umbridge is threatening to sack her mum form her job at the Ministry, and frightened of failing her O.W.L.'s because she's so busy worrying about everything else."

Ron let out a breath, eyes wide. "One person couldn't feel all that. I'd explode," he breathed.

"Which is because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon," Hermione shot back.

I looked at Harry, who I've often talked about the tension between Ron and Hermione with, and we broth began to smile, unable to stop.

We looked at the other two, who broke out into smiles until we all started laughing. About what, it wasn't too certain, but it felt really bloody good.

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