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Everly is asleep in our room while I go to the rest of my classes (I missed some this morning). Millie pretty much interrogated me, asking where I was and why I decided to miss class. I didn't want to miss class; I had to. I had to help Everly. She was certainly not alright, even though she claimed that she was. I had to carry her all the way back to our room (she didn't want this, but she didn't have much of a choice). I could've just left her there. She would've left me, but it felt wrong to do that. So, I helped my enemy.
Nothing unusual happens during class. I go to Greek, Political Science, and the rest of the classes that I didn't miss. I constantly find my mind wandering to Everly, wondering if she's alright. I think my magic did this to her, so I guess I have to worry about her. It was my fault that she's not feeling her best.
I still don't understand how I allowed her to get under my skin like that. I've always trained myself to control my emotions so I don't explode. Well, I guess that training doesn't apply to Everly Johnson. Some of the things she said to me were actually true. I've never thought that I could've saved my parents (I never allowed myself to) but I suppose I could've. I could've been faster, and saved them. Or at least died trying.
Once classes are over, I head down to the catacombs. No one ever goes here, so I finally have some time to myself. It's a bit creepy, especially with all of the bones, rats, and dark lighting. But, it's better than going back to my room. Everly will probably be awake by now, and she'll find some way to bother me. I just need some time alone. Then I'll head back.
I lower myself to the damp ground, and look around. I've never been here before; I just thought that it'd be a good way to get away from everyone. No one will follow me to this creepy place. It's perfect. I think I should come here more often; not even Millie would follow me here, and she's always by my side.
I love Millie. I wouldn't have made it through my first seven years at Watford without her. She always helps me deal with Everly, and gives me good life advice. We study together in the library, but never actually get any work done. She's always there for me, and that's exactly what I need: someone I can count on. Sometimes, though, I just need to get away from everyone, including Millie.
A rat scurries across the floor, and I immediately jump to my feet. I knew they were down here, but seeing them is different. I brush the dirt off of my uniform before returning to my room. I walk slowly so I can avoid Everly for as long as possible. She's going to start attacking me once I step through the door; I know it. Helping her won't change anything. She'll probably pretend that it never happened. We'll go back to our usual fighting (it never really ended) and that'll be that. We'll still be enemies.
The door to my room creaks as it opens, and I step into the room to see Everly sitting up in her bed. Her hair is messy for once. The thought of that makes me want to laugh. She always looks so perfect, but now I know that she isn't. Her makeup is smudged under her eyes, making her look even less perfect. I've never seen her without her makeup on, I believe. I wonder what she looks like without her winged eyeliner and dark red lipstick. I think she'd be just as perfect. It's so annoying. No one can be that perfect; people are flawed, but Everly seems to be able to hide them from everyone. I, on the other hand, can't hide my flaws no matter how hard I try.
"Classes ended half an hour ago," Everly says. "Where were you?" She wrinkles her nose. "And why do you smell like death?"
"That's none of your business," I snap, throwing myself onto my bed. I'm exhausted, and could probably fall asleep within seconds if Everly would leave me alone. "And I do not smell like death."
She rolls her eyes. "You do." She's silent for a moment, considering. "You were in the catacombs, weren't you?
I try to hide my shock, but I don't think I do a very good job, for Everly just laughs.
"I'll take that as a yes," she says, smirking. Her eyes light up, and she watches me like I'm interesting to her. I want to punch her. That'll stop her from watching me. I'm constantly being judged; I don't need this. "Why were you in the catacombs?" she purrs.
Can't she just leave me alone? I'm too tired for another interrogation. Everly always has to find a way to make my day worse. That's her job: to make me miserable. If that were a real job, she'd be a pro. She's great at making me miserable. She attacks me with her words, and constantly starts fights. I'll admit, I start the fights as well. But still, she just has to find a way to ruin my day.
"Why weren't you in class today?" I ask, hoping that that'll make her back off.
Her smirk vanishes, and I'm suddenly very cold. "You know very well why," she snaps.
Before I can say anything else, there's a tapping noise against the window. We both look in the direction of the noise, and move towards the window. A bird is sitting on the ledge, waiting for the window to open. The bird carries something in it's foot, and I realize that someone must've sent a letter.
I quickly open the window, and the bird flies onto my shoulder, dropping the letter into my hand. The silk ribbon wrapped around the paper comes undone easily, allowing me to unroll the letter. I move to the other side of the room so Everly can't read over my shoulder. Once I'm sure that she won't try to look over my shoulder, I begin to read:
Dear students,
I, Headmistress Bunce, have decided to give you a curfew of nine o'clock pm. Some students have gone missing, and I am not willing to risk losing anyone else. I am working with the Coven to figure out what is going on, and I assure you that we will fix this. Until then, the inner gates will close an hour before your curfew. If any students are found outside of their rooms, they will be punished with detention for a week.
The missing students are as follows: Becky Smith, Carly Baker, Darren Farris, and Asher George.
This curfew is not meant to be a punishment. It is for the safety of you and the rest of the students in this school. Once the Coven and I have put a stop to this problem, everything will return to the way it was. Until then, you will follow the new rules I just provided. Thank you for understanding, and I apologize for the inconvenience.
      Mitali Bunce
I hold the letter tightly in my hand, and read the words over and over again, allowing them to sink in. Students have gone missing. Asher is gone. How did this happen? Watford was supposed to be safe. Now, students are missing, and the Coven has no idea what is going on.
"You look like you've seen a ghost, Taylor."
I look up from the paper, and see Everly standing in front of me. I should tell her about Asher, but I can't find the words to say. How do I tell her that her boyfriend is missing? I can't.
    I hand her the letter and watch as she reads it. Her eyes widen, and she gives the letter back to me.
    "Missing students?"
    I nod. "The Coven is working something out."
    "The Coven won't do anything," she laughs. "They don't care about us."
    She's right. The Coven won't figure this out on time. Those missing students might still be alive, but if someone doesn't find them soon, they'll die. I can't risk this. I can't bear knowing that students are missing, and no one is doing anything about it.
    "Someone has to do something," I say.
    She raises an eyebrow. "Like what?"
    "I don't know." I think for a moment. "I guess someone just needs to search for the missing students."
    "Who would do that?" she asks, rolling her eyes. "The students here are all cowards."
    I shake my head. "Someone will do it."
    "If you leave it for someone else to do, it won't get done."
    "What are you saying?" I ask.
    She sighs, flopping down onto her bed. "I'm saying that if you want something to be done, you'll have to do it yourself."
    No. I can't do this. I can't be a hero. I would basically be confirming everyone's belief that I'm the next Simon Snow. I'm not. I'm just not hero material. I won't be able to save the students, and everything will be lost. Someone else, someone better needs to do this. Someone has to be brave enough.
    "No," I say. "I can't save those students."
    Everly shrugs. How can she be so indifferent? Students are missing! Her boyfriend is missing! "Then don't."
    "Don't you care about them?" I ask, my voice rising in volume. "Asher is gone, Everly. Don't you want to save him?"
    She nods. "I care about the students," she says. "That's why I plan on finding them."
    She quirks an eyebrow. "You don't think I can do it?"
    "It's just dangerous, Everly."
    I don't know why I care. I guess I just don't want to be responsible for her death. If she died, my last year at Watford would be so much better. She wouldn't be there to torture me everyday. My life here would actually improve. But, I can't be responsible for what happens to her. I can't just allow her to run to her death.
"Why do you care?"
"I don't know," I say. "I just can't let you run into danger without blaming myself for what happens to you."
She rolls her eyes. "How sweet!" she says, putting venom into her voice. "But I don't need your permission. I'm doing this."
"At least don't do it alone." I sound like I'm pleading, now. Why am I even trying? I should just let her do this do herself. I'll never have to see her again.
"Who do you suggest I do this with?" she asks. When I don't say anything, she continues. "I'm doing this alone."
"I'll do it," I blurt out.
I almost gasp when I realize what I just said. I wish I could take the words back, but what's done is done. I just offered my help to Everly. Everly, my enemy. Not only did I offer to help my worst enemy, I offered to save those missing students. I can't be a hero, but I just said I would be. What possessed me and made me do this?
Everly stares at me in disbelief, almost as shocked as I am. "You'll what?"
"I'll help you find the missing students," I say, quickly. I can't give myself enough time to change my mind. If I take time to think, I won't be able to do this. I just have to push through, not giving myself any time to rethink my decision.
"I'm not working with you," she says, rolling her eyes.
"You don't have a choice."
She sighs. "Fine, but this doesn't change anything."
"If you mean that this won't change anything about us being enemies, I completely agree."
This is a terrible idea. But we have to do it. If we don't, those students will die. I can't allow that to happen, and neither can Everly. I guess that's the one thing we have in common: we can't allow innocent people to die.

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