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    My day couldn't be better, and I guess I have Everly to thank for that. I never realized how much I wanted to kiss her, and I certainly never knew how much I wanted to be her girlfriend. I haven't told anyone yet, and I don't think she has either, and that's perfect. I can't bring myself to tell anyone. Not yet. Millie supports me, but I feel like she would freak out that I'm dating (wow, this is all so new, but it feels great) my enemy. What if she tries to convince me that I don't have feelings for Everly? I know she wouldn't, but I can't help but feel like she would.
    I can't hide my grin as I walk into Magic Words class. The holidays may be over, and I may have to go back to classes, but I don't really care. It's like nothing other than Everly matters. It's amazing, but terrifying at the same time. I've never felt this way about anyone—not even Asher—and it feels like I'm tumbling down a hill, or falling through space. Whatever's happening, it's new territory for me, but I can't stop myself from enjoying it.
Miss Baker stands at the front of the room, waiting for the rest of the students to file in.
Everly hovers by the desk next to me, considering, before moving to her usual seat at the opposite side of the room. I almost wish she would sit next to me, but I know that people would notice. They would find it odd that two enemies would want to sit together. I miss her presence, and her voice. I miss everything about her, and it hasn't been long since I last saw her.
Miss Baker taps her foot impatiently, and once everyone is seated, she begins the lesson.
"Good afternoon, everyone!" she says, trying to sound cheerful (I doubt that she's this excited to see us. Who would be?) The class mumbles a 'Good afternoon' and Miss Baker sighs. "I know you don't want to be here," she says, "especially since you just got back from break, but I think I have something planned that you'll like."
I seriously doubt that this class will be any different from the usual Magic Words class. Most teachers don't really care if we're interested in the subject or not, just that we learn everything they say. I don't mind it; it's a simple routine that I've had since day one at Watford. But, I don't like it when teachers promise that 'today will be different' if it's not going to be.
The students talk amongst themselves, their voices starting at a whisper and rising to a much louder volume. I remain silent while this happens, since I don't have anyone to talk to; If only Millie were here.
"Please quiet down," Miss Baker says, raising her voice so that the whole room can hear her.
It takes a few moments for the noise to die down, but eventually, the room is silent. No one really wants to anger Miss Baker; you don't want to be on her bad side.
"Thank you," she says, forcing a slight smile. "Today, as I've already said, I have something special planned." Her eyes dart toward the door and then back to the class. "As you already know, a few years ago, the Insidious Humdrum and the Mage were defeated."
I hear a sigh drift through the class, and I find myself looking to Everly. She has a bored expression on her face as she rolls her eyes. I return my gaze to Miss Baker, and wait for her to explain what's going on.
"I've talked with Headmistress Bunce, and she thinks that it's a good idea to learn from heroes," Miss Baker says. "Baz Pitch, Simon Snow, and Penny Bunce have been kind enough to visit and give you some advice for magic, and just life lessons in general." My stomach drops, and I feel all of my joy from earlier drain away. "They won't be discussing anything having to do with the Mage or the Humdrum, so I request that you do not ask any questions about them." She forces another smile. "I expect you to be on your best behavior, and to pay attention to our visitors."
Tears prick my eyes, and I force them back. I can't cry here, not now. I have to make it through this day, and then I can break down. I wish I could be anywhere but here right now, but that's not possible. I'm stuck here, and that only makes everything worse.
Miss Baker opens the door, allowing Simon, Penny, and Baz to step into the room. Baz helps Simon free his wings from the doorframe, muttering something under his breath. Simon just shrugs, and shyly follows Penny to the front of the room. They all look like they're in their twenties (it's only been a few years since the Insidious Humdrum was defeated).
Some students gasp, but I just try not to scream until I can't anymore. This is a nightmare. It must be. Simon Snow would never come here. Why would he?
"Hello, everyone," Penny says confidently, and smiles brightly (it's like she actually wants to be here).
A chorus of 'Hello's' comes from the class, and I realize that they actually like this. They like seeing their heroes right in front of them.
I pinch my arm, trying to wake up from this nightmare before it gets worse. This can't possibly be happening. It can't.
"I'm Penny," she says, gesturing at herself. "That's Simon." Simon smiles nervously when Penny points at him. "And that's Baz."
"I assume Miss Baker has already told you why we're here?" Baz asks, raising an eyebrow. The class nods, barely able to contain their excitement.
My heart pounds against my chest.
Baz looks to Simon, and nudges him.
"Does anyone have any questions?" Simon asks, his voice shaking slightly. "I think it'll be easier to give advice if you have questions."
Baz smiles encouragingly at Simon, and he smiles back. Students look between Simon and I, their gazes sending a shiver down my spine. I know that everyone thinks I'm 'The Next Simon Snow' but this is so much worse. Having Simon, Baz, and Penny here is bad enough. But now they're watching me, comparing me to Simon.
I want to disappear. I want everyone to stop looking at me like I'm special; I'm not. My heart beats faster inside my chest. I can't take this anymore.
I push back my chair and dart out of the room. I don't look back to see if anyone noticed; I just keep walking until I'm sitting on the floor in the Catacombs, where no one will find me.

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