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    Three students have gone missing. I need to punch a wall or something. What if those students end up like me? What if—
    I can't think like this. It'll only make everything worse. I'm going to save those students, and Brielle will most likely want to help me. I won't be alone, at least. I'll have her, and right now, that's all I need.
    I look up to see Brielle sitting on my bed beside me. Her eyes are filled with worry. I lean my head on her shoulder, choking on a sob. Brielle runs a hand through my hair, whispering encouraging words in my ear. The sound of her voice makes everything a bit better. Nothing can fix the fact that three more students are missing, but Brielle just sitting here helps.
    "We'll find them, okay?" she says, confidence creeping into her voice. "We'll find them, and find out who's doing all of this."
    "We?" I ask. "You're sure you want to help me?" I know that I need her help, but I want to give her the option to say no. I want to let her choose. This won't be easy, and it certainly won't be safe. I'm already a vampire, but Brielle isn't. If whoever is doing this happens to take her, she could be Turned. I might have to watch that happen. I hesitate before saying, "Maybe you shouldn't."
    Brielle immediately shakes her head, like I knew she would. "This isn't something anyone should do alone."
    I sigh. "What if they kidnap you, too?"
    "It would be just as likely if I did nothing," she says. "No one here is safe until we put this to an end."
    She's always so brave. Sometimes I wish she weren't. She's willing to put her life at risk to save these students, and I doubt that I can stop her. But maybe I can convince her. Just maybe, she'll listen to me.
    "They could Turn you," I say, fighting back the memory of that night by the gates. If I hadn't been there, she would've become a vampire. I remember the blinding fury I felt as those vampires talked about Turning Brielle like it was a joke. If it happened for real this time, I would never forgive myself. "I can't let that happen to you."
    "It won't."
    "How do you know that?" I almost shout. She doesn't know how much it would hurt to see her Turn. Brielle is silent for a moment. "You don't. You know very well that if you do this, you risk getting Turned." Brielle opens her mouth to speak but I cut her off, shaking my head. "You know all of this. And you still want to save the students."
Brielle sighs. "I can't sit here and do nothing," she says. "It's not that I'm not terrified of what might happen, but I'm willing to risk it."
"Why?" I ask. I don't think I'll ever understand why—after everything that's happened—she would ever want to help save the students. She could try to stay safe here, at school. But no, she wants to risk everything for a bunch of students she doesn't even know. I have nothing left to lose, except Brielle and my family. My family is safe, so Brielle is the only thing I have to worry about.
I can't lose her. I can't. I know that she can take care of herself (she's proven that to me many times), but I still won't risk it. Even the best fighters can get hurt.
"Because no one else will do it," she says. "And I'm not letting you go alone."
"I'm already a vampire," I say. "I'll be fine."
Brielle shakes her head. "What if they have fire?"
I laugh, but the thought scares me. I've never thought about that. "A bunch of vampires won't have fire."
"I'm coming with you, whether you like it or not."
An image of Brielle desperately fighting off vampires shows up in my mind. She uses her magic, summoning fire to her hands. The way she fights—with determination, and fierceness—makes me think of an angel. She throws the fire at one of the vampires, and they go up in flames. Her braid slashes through the air as she twirls to face another vampire. She's surrounded, and I'm not able to do anything to help her. I see the fear in her eyes as she's knocked to the ground, her fire extinguished. A feeling of dread fills my stomach as I watch a vampire sink their fangs into her flesh. Her screams ring throughout my head.
    "No," I say. "You barely fought off those vampires last time. I'm not willingly letting you find yourself in that situation again."
    She crosses her arms over her chest, and moves to the other side of the room. I already miss her presence, the warmth of her sitting next to me.
    "I don't want you to do this on your own, Everly. I don't want us to go on dangerous missions separately; I want to be there for you. I can't watch you throw yourself in danger's way if I'm not there with you. I love you, Everly."
    My heart flutters in my chest. Part of me wants to just let her come. I don't want to do this without her, either; everything is better when she's around. She made me feel human for the first time since I was first Turned. She understands me, and she looks great on the field when she plays lacrosse (not that I've been watching).
    I shake my head. "I love you, too, Brielle. But I can't let you come with me. It's too dangerous."
    "And you're not scared of going alone?" she asks, fidgeting with the end of her braid (a gesture she does whenever she gets nervous).
    I cross the room, and take her hands in mine. Her shoulders relax, and her anxious expression starts to vanish. "I'm terrified," I say. "But I'd be even more scared if you came with me."
    Brielle's brows furrow, and she squeezes my hands in hers. "I'd have to sit in school, not knowing if you're okay." She sighs. "I could easily get taken while I'm here, and you wouldn't know. The risk is pretty much the same for me here as it would be if I go. Do you even know where we're going?"
    "I'm going to the gates," I say, making sure she realizes that she won't be coming with me. "I'll wait for the vampires to come through, and then stop them."
"They might not even come tonight!"
She has a point. I haven't really thought of a complete plan, but I don't have time for that. I have to do this now, or I won't be able to save the missing students.
"I'll find where they're hiding and bring the students back here. After killing the vampires." I look out the window, and realize that the sun has almost set. They could be here any time now. I need to leave. "Brielle, I need you to stay here, okay?"
"No," she says, pulling her hands out of mine. "I'm coming with you."
I shake my head. "You have too much to lose."
"And you don't?" She's yelling by now. Her words sting more than I would've expected them to. "I don't have any family to lose. But I could lose you. I could lose you, Everly, and that terrifies me."
"You could lose your life!" I shout. "You're alive, Brielle!"
A look of sadness crosses her face. "So are you," she says gently. "You're so alive, Everly." Hope flutters in my chest as tears well in my eyes. "The way you experience emotions, everything you do, proves my point. You may be a vampire, but you're more human than anyone I know."
Tears roll down my cheeks, and I pull her in for a kiss. I pull away, but it isn't enough. We lean forward at the same time, and our lips meet, hers warm against mine. I run a hand down her braid, feeling where her hair crosses over itself until I reach the hair tie. I unravel it, and gently undo her braid. It comes down in waves around her face, shining in the dim light.
She smirks. "You really like my hair down, don't you?" I just stare at her, my heart pounding against my chest. She laughs. "Are you speechless?"
I nod. She laughs again, and my heart stops. Everything about her is so perfect: her laugh, her stubbornness, how she doesn't realize how amazing she is, the way she'll fight for what she loves, how she's fierce but also gentle; just everything.
I kiss her again, and she smiles against my lips. I could do this forever. I could kiss Brielle over and over again. I could sit here with her, and forget all of my worries, just listening to her voice.
But I can't.
I hesitantly pull out my wand, and point it at her between kisses. Her eyes widen, and she tries to pull away, but I've already started the spell.
"Goodnight," I say gently. Her look of panic vanishes, and is replaced by one of calm. Her eyelids begin to droop, and I know that the spell is starting to work. "Sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite."
Her eyes close all the way, and she collapses into my arms. I carry her over to her bed, and pull the covers over her. Her breathing is relaxed, and her face is still. Her hair is splayed out on the pillow, and I'm reminded of Sleeping Beauty. She looks so peaceful, like nothing can disturb her. I almost wish I could see the light in her eyes, that fierceness she gets when she's set on doing something.
I could stay here forever and just watch Brie, but I can't. I have to go save the students, and when I get back, I'll deal with Brielle's anger. She'll hate me for what I've done, but at least she'll be safe. I can't risk losing her.
I press a kiss to her forehead, and pull back. "Sleep well, Brie," I whisper. "My warrior Brie."
At that, I walk out of our room and don't look back.

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