𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚕𝚢𝚗, 𝚑𝚞𝚑? (𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙾𝚗𝚎)

197 6 11

Word Count: 2371

"Now you have to spread the word. Let the rest of  the city's newsies know about the strike." Davey told Jack.

"You hear the man. Let's split up and spread the news!" Jack chided his newsies.

"I'll take Harlem." Mush called. His best friend lived in Harlem. 

"I got Midtown." Race shouted. 

"I got the Bronx." Jojo yawned.

"And I got the Bowery." Buttons raised his hand.  

"Specs, you take Queens. Tommy Boy, you take the Eastside." Jack assigned, and each newsie nodded.

Jack sighed, he knew what was coming, but he had to ask the question. "And who wants Brooklyn?"

All the newsies looked away, and Tommy Boy disappeared out the door. "Who wants Brooklyn," Jack repeated.

"I- I'll go to Brooklyn." A small voice piped up from the back. It was Lion, the newest kid. She was a 'girlsie' as the other newsies called her, especially Race. She was called Lion because of the crazy mane of golden-brown hair that stuck out from the sides of her newsie cap, and because of her refusal to admit she was scared of anything. "I ain't scared of S– Spot Conlon." Boy, was she scared of Spot Conlon.

"Lion, are you sure? Do you want Davey to go with you?" Jack asked, trying to avoid going himself by volunteering Davey.

"Um, NO." Davey started. "She's your newsie,  you're in charge of her, and I am NOT going to Brooklyn."

"I'll be fine. Plus, I'm only thirteen, and a girl. Spot can't hurt me. And if he does, I'll kick him where the sun don't shine." Lion said.

"Honestly, I kinda hope he does try to attack you. I would pay to see a thirteen-year-old-girl soak Spot Conlon. He's also probably the same height as you, or smaller. We all know you're fierce and formidable, just like your Aunt Josephine." Jack commented.

Lion's Aunt Josephine had drowned three months ago, leaving her to become a Manhattan Newsie. Aunt Josephine had once been a fierce and formidable person.

"What's all this talk about a small spot?" A young lady's voice came from the direction of the door.

"It's not a 'Small Spot'" Lion laughed. "He's the newsie in charge of Brooklyn, the sixth-largest city, and the biggest in New York. Everyone's scared of him. But I'm not!"

"Hey, What's  your name?" The young lady asked. "I'm here to interview the newsies on the strike."

"I'm Lion." Said Lion. "I gotta go to Brooklyn-" She shuddered slightly. "-You might wanna talk to Jack about the strike stuff. He's in charge. But then again, Davey's the brains..." She stuck her tongue out at Jack and pointed Davey out to the young lady before stuffing her hair back under her newsie cap and running out the door.   

It took Lion a really long time to get to Brooklyn. Mostly because she got lost like... five times.

When she finally got to the Brooklyn Bridge, she stopped. She stood at the start of the bridge, staring down the length of it. Manhattan 'owned' the first half of the bridge, but once she crossed to the other side, she was in Brooklyn's territory, and anything was possible.

Lion forced herself to step on the bridge. She almost turned and ran back to Manhattan, where she was safe for the most part. Lion was actually a scaredy-cat, but she always put on a brave face. But now, in the dark, standing on the bridge to Brooklyn, she was really hecking scared of Spot Conlon.

𝚂𝙴𝙸𝚉𝙴 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙳𝙰𝚈 - 𝙽𝚎𝚠𝚜𝚒𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now