𝚁𝚊𝚒𝚗 (𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛)

121 2 4

Co-Written By: Mariana_M1217

Word Count: 1761

Sadie got her own room, because she was the only girl that stayed in the lodging house. Crutchie explained that there were a lot of girlsies, but most of them still had families to stay the night with, or they stayed in the Bronx, a very girlsie-heavy borough.

Sadie's new room was empty except for a bunk bed in the corner, but she didn't mind.

"The door doesn't have a lock, but it actually closes, which is more you can say for most of the rooms here," Crutchie said, looking wistfully at the door frame that actually had a door.

"Hey," A kid a few years younger than Sadie appeared in the doorway. "I heard we got another girlsie."

"Sadie, that's Smalls."

"Want some quesadillas?" Smalls said, holding out a flat, round bread sandwich stuffed with cheese and for some odd reason, bacon. Sadie took the quesadillas.

"Wow, these are good quesadillas." Sadie commented, eyes widening when she bit into one.

"Yes. I make very good quesadillas. Sniper, do you want some quesadillas?" A hand appeared from around the doorway, snatched a quesadilla from Smalls, and disappeared again.

"That's Sniper," Crutchie said. Sadie's head spun with all the new names. Race, Jack, Sniper, Specs, Romeo, Ike, Mike... was it Sparrow? No-- Finch, Davey, Les, Race-- Sadie realized she had thought of Race already, and shook her head.

"Smalls is our resident girlsie, though most nights she stays in the Bronx. Now that there are two girlsies..."

"I'SE GOT A ROOMMATE!" Smalls yelled, vegetable quesadillas dropping to the ground as she launched herself onto the top of Sadie's bed. "Anyways, it's real nice ta meet ya."

"Hi." Sadie said, looking at the rabid child now bouncing on her mattress. "I'm Sadie."

"SNIPER!" Sniper appeared, this time his whole self, and stared at Smalls.

"Ya?" He asked.

"I got a roomie. I don't have ta go all the way to the Bronx now." Smalls nearly glowed with joy, but Sniper was disappointed. He would miss their walks to the Bronx. "But I'se thinking we could still take our walks, just schedule it every once in a while."

Sniper no longer looked clinically depressed. He raised his cap slightly and nodded to Sadie, and quickly ran away to tell Albert that Smalls still wanted to walk with him. From down the hall, she heard this "Albert" yell: "YOU TWO ARE SO ADORABLE!" Smalls blushed about as red as the tomatoes in her quesadillas, hugged Sadie, and sprinted out of the room to soak Albert, yelling "I'SE CAN HEAR YOU!"

Sadie looked at Crutchie for confirmation. He said: "No, they're not dating. Smalls is twelve and Sniper is thirteen. Jack said they can't date officially until Smalls is thirteen, but they are definitely together."

Suddenly there was a rush of activity outside the door. Crutchie hobbled over and poked his head out, stopping Race as he barreled in.

"What's goin' on? Why's everyone rushin'?" Crutchie asked, puzzled.

"They's cleanin' up. Katherine's coming over and Jack wants to impress her!" Race shouted gleefully. Sadie looked puzzled. Race continued: "I'se not cleanin' anything, though... I'se gonna find a good hidin' spot so's I can watch Jackie Boi embarrass himself!"

"Who's Katherine?" Sadie asked, confused. Crutchie started to explain but Race cut him off.

"She's...." Race seemed to have trouble for a second, then continued. "Uh... She's a reporter. Her personality is similar to a raging badger made mostly out of sarcastic comments and witty retorts. And Jack's in love with her." Crutchie scowled and amended,

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