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(A/N: I saw this idea on another Wattpad story, but I can't remember where. All credit goes to that writer.)

Word Count: 820

Race and Spot were hanging out on the Brooklyn Bridge. Spot was already looked at skeptically for not beating up the curly-haired boy when he set foot on the bridge, so he made Race stand a foot away from the Brooklyn side of the bridge so he wouldn't get ridiculed further. Then again, Spot realized, he could just beat them all up.

"Do you know what animals live in the water under the bridge?" Race asked. Spot looked over at him in surprise. "Why on earth would I know that?"

"Because you never know what's swimming by underneath you when you Brooklyn boys go swimming." Race said in a failed creepy tone.

"Yeah, what's the worst that it can be? Crocodiles? I think we can take 'em." Spot was really hoping there weren't crocodiles. Wildlife scared him.

"Nah, I don't think crocodiles live in the river. But I've seen a moose around here once, living in that island thing in the middle of the river."

"How on earth would it get there? A moose can't swim!" Spot laughed at his friend's ridiculousness.

"Actually, they can. A moose can dive up to 20 yards under the water, and they are very strong swimmers." Race was a really smart person, even though sometimes he played dumb for laughs. Everyone tended to think he was really stupid, but both Spot and Jack knew how smart the boy really was.

"Wow. Mooses can really do that?"

"Um, the plural of moose is meese." Well, except the occasional times when Race was actually in the dark about something.

"No WAY." Spot laughed, thinking his friend was joking. "It's definitely mooses."

"No, it's Meese. Obviously." Race was getting agitated. He whipped his cap off his head and fixed his hair, then stuffed it back under his hat.

"Well, two goose are gooses, so two moose are mooses." Spot reasoned, accidentally making a big mistake.

"Actually, two goose are geese." Race smirked, stepping over the line into Brooklyn's territory. Spot didn't notice, he just stepped back to get out from under Race's smirking glare. "So, two moose are meese." Race took another step forward. Spot took another step back, subconsciously.



"MOOSES!" Spot bellowed, causing a couple of passers by to jump, then laugh at the ridiculous spectacle.

"MEESE" A little girl sitting on a bench with her mother dissolved into giggles. The mother tried to hush her, but ended up giggling as well.

"MOOSES." Spot roared, and one of his newsies a little ways off snickered, joining in when Race shouted "MEESE"

Spot boxed the newsie's ears, gave him a good sock to the stomach and sent him back to the Brooklyn lodging house. Nobody defied Spot's opinions, let alone agree with Race's. Spot hated when Race was right, because it mostly ended up with Spot buying Race a sandwich or something.

"THERE IS NO HECKING WAY THAT TWO MOOSES IS A MEESE." Spot shouted in Race's face, stepping forward menacingly. Race started walking backwards, and Spot kept aggressively following him. "THE SCIENTISTS WOULD FEEL RIDICULOUS AND THE MOOSES WOULD BE IN DISGRACE."

Race brought his hands forward and lightly slapped Spot's face. "With that logic, two Spots are a Spoot."

Spot didn't answer, just punched Race really hard in the shoulder. "OW! Spoot, STOP!" Race howled, half-laughing. Spot punched him again. Race staggered, still laughing. "Okay, I'm sorry, Spot. I'll make you a sandwich or something even though it'll cost me all the money I have right now!"

"No, you have to agree that two Moose are Mooses."


Katherine was walking down the Brooklyn bridge with Crutchie, slowly so that he wouldn't fall behind. They both saw the ridiculous scene at the same time: Spot standing over Race, who was on the ground holding his shoulder, shouting "TWO MOOSE ARE MOOSES, RACETRACK HIGGINS!"

Crutchie looked over at Katherine, and they both said at the same time "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

They both burst out laughing and ran towards the pair of boys. Katherine helped Race up off the ground and Crutchie set to calming Spot down. He was one of the only people who could do that without suffering a major injury. "Hey, Spot, don't kill Race, okay?" Spot nodded. "And could you explain what's going on?"

"We were having a disagreement on whether two moose are mooses or meese." Spot said, his cheeks flushing red as his shirt when he realized how ridiculous he sounded.

"Oh. My. Gods." Crutchie started giggling. Katherine did too, it seemed as if Race had told her the same story.

"Um, did you guys even stop to consider that two moose are just... moose?" Katherine raised an eyebrow.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh......." Race and Spot said at the same time. "That makes so much sense!" 

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