𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚕𝚢𝚗, 𝚑𝚞𝚑? (𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚃𝚠𝚘)

118 5 5

Word Count: 24601! 
(Just kidding, 1478)

Lion practically ran towards Brooklyn in the drizzling rain, re-shoving her hair up into her hat. She wanted explanations.

When she reached the bridge, she slowed to a walk. It was still nerve-wracking crossing over into Spot's territory, but Lion was slightly less nervous. She passed a little Manhattan newsie carefully staying on Manhattan's side of the bridge and talking to an older Brooklyn newsie who was doing the same.

When Lion crosses the border, she tried her best to look like she was supposed to be there, but the Brooklyn newsie who had been talking to the little Manhattan one looked at her with incredible suspicion.

"Hey," Lion muttered, walking quickly past. She made it across the bridge before she remembered she had no idea how to get to Spot's hideout. The last time she'd been there she had been too focused on the fact she was being dragged through unfamiliar territory by a large and menacing Brooklyn newsie.

So, she looked around for another menacing Brooklyn newsie that she could convince to take her to Spot. She succeeded in the first twenty-three seconds. "You'se not supposed ta be here, Lion."

Well, she'd found Spot. That was supposedly better than having to search around for his hideout, but Lion had been hoping she'd have time to mentally prepare herself before she saw him again. Oh well...

"I know. But I's got a lotta question and I suspect youse know da answers." Lion said nervously. Spot opened his mouth angrily, about to say something; when he looked right at Lion and seemed to decide against it. 

"Why does everyone think you'se so scary?" Lion asked ungrammatically. "Youse don't seem intimidatin' an all. I bet youse only 5' 4" and a half."

Spot growled and leaned in close to Lion's face. "Listen here, little girl. Just 'cause youse reminds me of my little sista' doesn't mean youse can insult me to my face and get away wid' it."

Lion took a quick step back. "I remind you of your little sista'? So dat's why ya hugged me!"

"Yeah," Spot admitted sullenly, lowering his 'threatening' fist. " I don't know what came ova' me. I just kinda let myself believe youse was my sista'. She... didn't make it, and I miss her an awful lot."

"That's really horrible." Lion said sympathetically. "I used to have an older brother, but he abandoned me and the rest of my 'family' did too. His name was Peter."

"Sorry." Spot said stiffly, trying out his new word for only the second time.

Lion decided she wanted to test her luck and so she moved forward to hug Spot again. He didn't hug back, but at least he didn't shove her off, so that was a start.

"I have to get back to Manhattan now." Lion said sadly. "I'll see you soon, Spot. Please think about joining the strike. We really need you."

Spot was seriously thinking about joining the strike, and maybe if they won against Pulitzer and Hearst he could get Lion to come live in Brooklyn. She really was like his little sister, and he loved her.


Back in Manhattan, Race was frantically looking for his best friend. She'd left Manhattan and he hadn't even noticed. What a best friend he was. 

He had searched the lodging house several times, looked through the locked gates of The World, questioned the Delanceys while dodging badly-aimed punches, and carefully looked in every notorious alleyway in Manhattan.

𝚂𝙴𝙸𝚉𝙴 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙳𝙰𝚈 - 𝙽𝚎𝚠𝚜𝚒𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now