The Awakening

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I have Hazel playing as Brianna Francisco. She is going to be 17. Her hair is naturally curly and her body is like the model's but a little less developed.

I never knew my life was going to be this way. Hell if I knew, I would've told my past self to stop watching this stupid, addicting show. But because of my actions, I got the best life I've ever wanted.

It all started when I was watching Vampire Diaries on my couch, on a Saturday night. I remember it was a Saturday night because I was dreading going to work the next morning. I fucking hate that job like who needs that many clothes and food at the same time. (I work two jobs because I like money. Don't judge me.)

Anyways, I was sitting on the couch trying to finish the seventh season( A/N: That's actually where I'm in the series) because I be binge-watching shit and never finishing it either. I watched as Damon and Enzo go into the vault with the unknown evil there and disappear from the screen. Suddenly the screen went black and started to buzz loudly. I grabbed the remote to turn the TV back on but nothing happened. I got up to reset the TV, and abruptly a hand came out of the TV. Its delicate fingers were c overed in slime and a beautiful ruby ring on its left ring finger.

Now I don't know bout you but I'm not fucking with no hand that comes out of a TV, fuck that. I backed away slowly as I watched its fingers curl as to be waiting for me to grab it. I hesitated because again, fuck that; the hand swiftly shot out and waved for me to come closer. Now, of course, I'm skeptical, but I found myself moving closer to the hand. As I stood in front of the hand, I took a deep breath and grabbed the hand. When I touched the hand, a melodic voice appeared in my head. " Hazel, do you want better opportunities? Better experiences? A love that's commanding and powerful? Something to bring you happiness and joy?"

I pondered this opportunity brought to me. 'That sounds too good to be true,' I thought to myself, 'What's the catch?'

"You will deal with demons and circumstances that will hurt you, but you will grow from them and become a powerful woman in the process. You will have many relationships that will make you consider your views and maybe even change you for the worst. Do you accept?" the voice asked.

I looked back to my room and then at the hand. I sighed and nodded. "I hope I don't regret this in the future," I murmured. The voice chuckled and pulled me into the TV, leaving the room cold and blown away by a powerful gust of wind.

When I opened my eyes, I was in void, complete darkness. "Whew, I thought that didn't work. I was scared for your life," the voice said, to be revealed as Emily Bennett.

'Fuck,' I thought, my eyes widened with surprise. She was dressed in an old-fashioned dress from the 1800s. It was a ruby red with a silky, soft texture. It wasn't a slave dress because of its expensive design but you could tell it was old and worn. She had on a matching bonnet and fancy shoes to go with the dress. She was beautiful like how she is in the show. 'This can't be real. I know I smoke but I didn't know how much,' I started to pant with fear.

"Whoah, calm down my child. Nothing to worry about. Well, you already know me and I you, so I'll explain why I picked you," hands came on me rubbing my shoulders, calming me down. She had me sit down and take deep breaths. She sat beside me,smiling at me. Her face filled with happiness. "You, my child, are very special. You've always been special, since the day you were born. I remember holding you in my arms in the quarters. Your father was so happy to see you. He knew you would always be daddy's little girl. You smiled at me with your dimples,holding my fingers. I could feel your power, it was so strong and vibrant," she looked down, saddened, " But people were coming for you. They had heard something powerful coming and they didn't like it. They wanted to either kill or capture you. And during that time, we were slaves. I saw family members taken from me before Katherine had found me. Your father was killed by the slave master because he was trying to save me from him. Thankfully Katherine ripped him to shreds and took me under her wing. She found out about your power and wanted to give you away to some very powerful man. And I couldn't let that happen, so I did the only thing I could do: send you away. I knew you would be taken care of so I did it to keep you safe."

After Emily was done, tears were running down her face. I was shocked, I didn't know I was adopted. I thought my mother was my real mother. My mother mentioned my birth was very difficult and she almost died from it. "If I am your child," she looked at me, tears in her eyes, "Then how did my mom have me?"

Emily looked down and said, "I found a woman, your mom, and saw that she wanted to have a baby so much. She prayed and prayed every night and the spirits, including me, heard her. She seemed like a perfect opportunity to give you a new life somewhere safe. So I did a spell to impregnate her with you, giving you a new life. What I didn't expect, was not seeing you anymore. This is how I knew she was from an entirely different world, one I didn't even know existed. I couldn't reach you, or check up on you. But the spirits said you were fine and will be a beautiful independent woman in time. Then I died and saw you again for the first time in years."

She smiled hard and gathered me in her arms, "And might I say you are beautiful. You must have gotten those hips from your mom because they are huge", she gasped and held my face in her hands, examining me.

I laughed and smiled, accepting her explanation. I would do the same if it were my daughter. I just couldn't believe I was so powerful. I wondered what I could do. "So I'm a witch, right?," I asked, nervously.

"Yes, my child! You come from a powerful line of powerful witches. You should be worshiped for your power, loyalty, and strength," she said, standing up. A clap of thunder struck the air behind us. Emily turned to it and frowned. She looked back at me and held out her hand. I walked up to her and grabbed her soft hand. We walked to the cloud thundering away.

The cloud was black, filled with screams and pain. Emily let go of my hand and went to the cloud. She touched the cloud and parted it with her hands. She looked back at me, "Come here, my child."

I came closer, standing beside Emily. She nodded her head to me, asking me to look in the cloud. I looked inside and gasped. Bonnie, Damon, Stefan, and Elena were standing around the cave. 'I remember this episode. Emily possesses Bonnie's body and destroys the crystal. But if she's here, then how is she possessing Bonnie?' I turned to Emily, to see her chanting in Latin, doing the spell.

She stopped chanting and the crystal exploded. Damon's face filled with rage and attacked Bonnie. Bonnie, Emily had already left her body, screamed and was bitten by Damon. I gasped and turned to Emily. She was staring at me with a serious expression on her face. "Baby, I need you to help Bonnie. You're the only one who can help her. You know what is going to happen and can help her with her magic. I know we didn't spend a lot of time together and this is a lot of me to ask, but Bonnie is going to be powerful, very powerful. But I need you to help her find herself. Can you do that for me, my child?" she said, taking my hands in hers.

I looked back at the cloud with Bonnie. She was being fed blood by Stefan, Elena by her side. I looked at Emily and smiled, "Yes, I will help you, mother. But how am I supposed to help her if I don't know how to use my powers?"

She smiled and said, "My child, you're so powerful that it will come naturally. You will know what to do. You don't need me." She shed a tear and sniffed. "Well let's get you down there."

She gripped my hands, closed her eyes, and started to chant. Wind started to whirl around us and made our clothes ruffle. She opened her eyes and began crying again, "I'm so proud of you, you don't even know. You are going to become a queen that helps everyone. People will worship you from the ground you stand on, my child. Remember that you are loved and I am always watching over you."

I smiled, crying. "I love you too, mother." A bright light flashed my eyes and I shielded my eyes. When I opened them, pain filled my neck. I covered it with my hand and felt a bandage there. I looked around to see Bonnie's room and screamed. I shot out of the bed and saw a mirror. I walked up to it and saw my reflection, I sighed. 'Of all the things you could have done. You put me in Bonnie's body.'

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