United again

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(A/N: There's going to be a lot of time skip in this chapter. So bare with me, it's going to be explained in this and other chapters. I just couldn't even more and started to fast forward events. Enjoy and R&R!!)

A sharp chop hit my neck, I got sleepy and released my hold of Elena. I fell back in Damon's arms, to see him saddened and concerned for me. I glared and scowled as darkness flowed my gaze. I fell asleep, seeing Grams' body on the ground.

*In Hazel's mind*

Bonnie was screaming her grief out. She fell to the ground when her Grams stopped breathing. She almost blames Hazel for her Grams death, but couldn't because Hazel tried to prevent it. Her body with rage and betrayal as she watched as Elena stood by and did nothing. At least Stefan and Damon tried to get Hazel out but couldn't help her save Grams. They too were in force fields and couldn't do anything either. The only person that wasn't trapped, was Elena. Precious little Elena, the girl that got her into this mess before Hazel even came. She just stood there and did nothing to help her Grams.

Bonnie started to focus on her power. In both of her hands, two bright red balls of fire formed. She channeled her power to make them bigger. The balls of fire filled her palms and covered her wrists. She hissed in pain as thick dark red blood dripped from her nose. She shouted and threw the balls in the void in Hazel's mind. They collided and made a huge ball of fire. The ball of fire swirled around in the air for a moment, like trying to figure out where to land. It stopped and condensed into a bright purple star. The star went to Bonnie and hovered down to her face.

Bonnie lifted her teary face, looking in fascination of the star. She hesitantly lifted her hand to the star, the star burned brighter by the action. Bonnie pulled her hand back. The star, as if saddened, burned dimly and floated away.

"Wait, come back!" Bonnie yelled after the star, getting up and chasing the star. The star continued to float away, burning even more dimly. The star was almost out until Bonnie gently grabbed the star by its pointy edges. The star, as if startled, burned bright and turned to face Bonnie.

Bonnie held on its edges and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you away. Forgive me."

The purple star seemed to understand and came closer to Bonnie. Bonnie smiled and moved her hands to its sides, away from its pointy edges. She brought it closer to her and hugged the star to her chest. The star snuggled in her chest and burned brighter than its burned before, feeding its warmth to Bonnie's core.

Bonnie laughed and cried on the star. Her hot tears fell on the star. The purple star brightened, as the star was absorbed into Bonnie. Bonnie's hands emptied as her green eyes became a bright deep purple. She was instantly thrown back as her body began to glow and brighten with purple power. She screamed in agony as her mouth erupted with purple power. The star had tied their life force together, thus giving Bonnie the star's enchanting powers. She continued to scream as her magic burst with energy, making Hazel's mind crack and crumble under the ever-growing power.

*Outside Hazel's Mind*

Hazel screamed as she felt pain in her mind. She grabbed her head and screamed. "Bonnie!! Are you okay?" a worried voice asked her. She couldn't answer as she could feel magic swirling around in her head.

'It's probably Bonnie,' she thought. She hadn't heard from the girl since the death of her Grams. She had missed the girl. She was like her sister. She was the only person who knew she wasn't from this world. Bonnie had helped Hazel fit into her world, even giving her tips as to how to act like her. It has been months since she talked to the teenage witch. Hazel had to make sure everything went according to the plot. It was hard, not acting like herself because, in the series, Bonnie tended to act like she had a thousand lives to spare. When in actuality, she didn't. She was one person, not fifteen.

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