Purple Star/ Wolf

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Damon, scowling, started to drive to the house, racing down the street. Bonnie turned to Damon, looking ever so serious. Damon glanced at her, "Well, are you going to explain or not, Bon Bon?!" Bonnie continued to stare Damon down and finally said, "First I'm not Bonnie, I'm Hazel. Second, we need to hurry up on getting me back into my body because we have a bigger problem than I thought. And finally, I think Bonnie became something else in my mind because she wants to eat you."

Damon's eyes widened and he braked the car so hard that Elena got splattered by mud.

"What!" Damon yelled, his vampire face showing.


*In Hazel's mind*

Hazel fell from a void, it was her mind. She looked as if she was looking for Bonnie. She screamed, "Bonnie! Bonnie, where are you?!"

Void filled Hazel's gaze. It was ominous, dark, silent like no was there at all.

Hazel started panicking, panting hard. She could see her breath like it was cold. She shuddered, rubbing her arms.


Hazel whirled around to the noise. "Bonnie?"


Hazel crept to the sound. "Bonnie is that you?"

Click Clack Click Click CLACK CLANG CLANG *screech*

Hazel covered her ears as she looked on into the darkness. Heavy pounding erupted in the air. She started to pant as she gathered her magic in her hands to protect herself. Her eyes filled with determination as she prepared herself for what's to come. The pounding came closer and she tensed herself. A rumbling came swiftly as the pounding revealed a little girl with two puffballs.

The girl looked about 5 or 6. Her eyes were green and she had on a flowery yellow dress with black stocking. The girl was crying as her feet slapped against the ground, creating the pounding sound. Hazel lowered her guard as the girl ran towards Hazel. "Help me! Please help me, it's coming after me!" The girl whimpered, crashing to Hazel's legs, gripping them tightly.

Hazel crouched in front of the girl and rubbed the girl's shoulders, calming her down a bit. "What's wrong honey? What's trying to hurt you?" Hazel questioned, looking behind the girl for any danger.

"It's trying to eat me. It's so scary? Please help!" The girl cried, tiny tears rolling down her bubbly cheeks.

Hazel chuckled," Honey I don't see anything. It might be," a glowing purple light cutting her off. She remembered what the light did to Bonnie as she scooped the girl up and started running.

As if the light knew what it was doing, the light grew brighter and larger, chasing the two girls. Hazel realized the little girl was Bonnie as no one would be in here anyway. Little Bonnie tightly hugged Hazel's neck as Hazel tried to figure out how to escape Bonnie's mind and the star. Looking around all Hazel could see was darkness, there was only one way to get out of Bonnie's mind. Hazel didn't want to put little Bonnie down and risk her getting eaten by the star. Hazel sighed and slowed her running to a standstill. Little Bonnie squeezed her neck tighter, whimpered softly.

Hazel turned to the glowing star and raised her hand, gathering a force field. The star pushed against the field, screeching at its block. A gust of wind blew Hazel's hair, making her look powerful. She stared at the star, watching its power. The star stopped its motion as it seemed to stare at Hazel. They held eye contact until Hazel's eye widened.

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