Hazel, Bonnie, and Damon

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I sighed and grabbed his hand, looking at me. He looked me in the eye. "I'm not Bonnie," his hands trying to slip out of mine, his eyes widened in shock, "My name is Hazel Lovely. Bonnie is in my head and I need you to help me get her into her body and help me get into mine."

"What the fuck?!" he exclaimed.

A blur happened right in front of my eyes. A pain so intense, ached my neck, and the next thing I knew, I was pinned against a pole. I groaned out in pain. Bonnie was screaming, pleading out to someone. I opened my eyes and saw Damon's vampire face. He growled out, "Who are you?"

I couldn't answer, he was choking me. I looked in fear as one of my best friends choked me. A tear ran down my cheek. "Please stop! Stop hurting her it wasn't her fault," I heard Bonnie say to me, but to my surprise, Damon heard it too.

He snatched his hand from his neck and looked around. "Who said that?" I slumped against the pole, holding my neck in relief. I looked at him and told Bonnie to speak to him again.

"Damon?" He whirled around again, looking, "Damon, it's me, Bonnie. The real Bonnie."

Damon looked at me, shocked as I didn't move my lips at all. He crept closer to me, feeling suspicious.

"Bonnie?" he asked, in hesitation.

"Damon, don't hurt her anymore, please," she pleaded to him. I was crying from the rawness of my throat. I couldn't talk anymore, even if I wanted to.

"Bonnie, make him understand. Show him what happened," I whimpered, "It's okay, I know you can do it. Remember, be strong."

Bonnie exhaled and began showing him what happened, to the meeting of me, to me coming into Bonnie's body, to us and Grams practicing magic, all of it. His eyes glazed over and he fell to the ground.


When he came back, his expression was remorseful. He regretted hurting Bon- Hazel. He wanted to rip his head to shreds as he held it in his hands. He looked at Hazel and saw the blank expression on Bonnie's face. Damon was conflicted as he had feelings for Bonnie, well Hazel. He looked down in shame and closed his eyes. A hot tear ran down his cheek, in sadness. He might never have a love like he wanted to. He didn't want Elena anymore. She was too whiny, needy even. He wanted someone kind and who can accept him for who he is.

"I know what you're feeling," he looked up to Hazel, her eyes dead with a hint of sparkle in them, "I've gotten to know you because I know you are a good person, even if you don't think so. I like your personality, you're like me but white and male."

Damon smirked lightly and got up to move towards Hazel. She looked weary when he got near and flinched when he placed his hand on his shoulder. He knelt down and looked at her eyes, frowning when she flinched. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment. Hazel blinked and he jumped up, exclaiming, "Ha! You blinked. Gotchu this time, bitch!"

Hazel blinked once, then twice. She scowled and then pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. "No fair, dick. I wasn't paying attention. I'll win next time' bitch. That's for sure," she grumbled, smirking at Damon.

Bonnie was lightly hitting her head against the floor, thinking, 'Why do I like and is friends with the most arrogant, slow, sexy, people ever? Why? Why me?" Hazel looked up to her forehead, chuckling at Bonnie's antics. Damon noticed and realized that Hazel's talking to Bonnie. He didn't know what to think about Bonnie being possessed. He knew she changed, and it was weird and fun at the same time. When he first met Bonnie, she immediately came off as judgemental and weary of him. I mean, he was messing with Caroline at the time and he was kind of a dick. So you can say, how surprised he was when suddenly she came out as this sexy, confident person at the Grille. She had been in his mind since the day she just offered her neck like it was nothing, but now he knew this was Hazel. Hazel was confident, sexy, and could speak her damn mind( her words, not mine). Damon and Hazel would be arguing for hours on end because they had very strong egos. They were protective and sarcastic with each other because they didn't want to lose to each other. Hazel kinda reminded him of Katherine, without trying to deceive him and use him to save her own skin. He likes Hazel and didn't want anyone to hurt her in any way. He knew he wanted to sleep with her, but not anymore. She wore Bonnie's face, so Damon wanted Bonnie. He didn't even know how Bonnie was since the death of her Grams. He felt a connection with her and wanted to be with Bonnie, instead of chasing after Elena.

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