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Stefan shook his head, "I didn't tell her anything, Damon. I think something happened to her when she was possessed by Emily."

Damon gripped tight and brought him closer, "Well, you better fix it before I do."

He let go, smirking, "I actually like the little witch."

Damon left the bathroom, Stefan staring after him, 'What happened to you, Bonnie?'

"Why did you tease them like that? We don't know anything," Bonnie exclaimed.

Actually, I know a lot about everything, honeybunny. It's you who didn't know anything about them. Y'all know I'm not bout to say that shit to her so don't even start.

"I like playing with people's emotions, especially Damon's. It's fun to see him hot and heated over nothing," I said to Bonnie, chuckling at her scoff.

I rolled my eyes and walked to my car. A whoosh erupted the silent warm night as I was putting my key in my car. I smirked and looked at the window, making eye contact with Damon through the reflection of the window. I unlocked my car and told Damon, "May I help you, Mr. Salvatore? I hope it's not a vein or my pussy because I'm sorry but I'm a virgin and last time wasn't really that fun for me."

Damon said nothing, but I could feel his eyes boring in my soul. I sighed and turned to face him. He was scowling at me, his body tensed. I raised my eyebrow and leaned against the car door. There was a silence between us as we stared into each other's eyes, me smirking and him scowling.

He blinked and I jumped in joy, " Ha! You blinked, I win."

He made a confused expression and I laughed at him. I could hear Bonnie slapping her forehead in my mind at my childishness.

He blinked and blinked again, "I don't get you," he said, slowly. This was hilarious, I've never seen him so confused before. I chuckled and put my hand on my hip, jutting it out. My head tilted, I smiled at him.

"Well, what did you expect, honeybunny," I took my hand off my hip to put it on my chin, thought out loud, "You were probably expecting me to be judgemental and prudish, huh?" I snapped-pointed to him with a smirk. He was dumbfounded by my actions.

I flipped my hair to reveal the bandage on my neck. I took it off, giving off a metallic smell into the air. His eyes slowly became red and black veins appeared under his eyes. Bonnie was screaming in my mind, telling me to stop and run away. I know she was scared but I wasn't.

I raised my eyebrow, "Damon, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and take a bite." He showed his fangs and blurred to stand in front of me. I stood there, waiting for him to bite me. Inside I was really scared but was also excited to get bit. It was one of my fantasies.

He opened his mouth and his fangs flashed in the moonlight. I didn't even blink. He sighed and moved away from me, his vampire-face disappearing. "Why aren't you afraid of me anymore," he asked to the sky. I covered my wound and crossed my arms.

"I don't want to be the Bonnie I used to be, so I decided to change and that includes not being afraid of you," I said, knowing how Bonnie felt when she was around him before he bit her.

" I don't actually know anything about Katherine." he looked up to me, " I only said that to ruffle your feathers. I smirked and walked to him, placing my hand on his shoulder, "I do think Katherine's not in there though. Call it a prediction," I said to him in his ear.

I let him go and walked to my car, only to be stopped again. His face, unreadable, came close to me. I stayed still, waiting for anything for him. "Do you really think that?" he asked, finally.

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