Baby, I'm back!!

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Klaus was my mate.

"I need you to get Damon," I whispered to Jeremy. Clearly, he didn't hear me because he looked at me confused. I repeated louder, "I Need You To Get Damon, Please And Thank You!" He flinched back and frowned. Sorry honey, I don't like you and I'm not letting Bonnie get with you for you to cheat on her.

He sighed and I looked at him pointly. He shook his head and took out his phone, calling Damon.

The phone rang, bringing sound into the tensed connection between us. "Hello?" Damon answered. I held my hand out for the phone. Jeremy gave it to me but proceeded to hold my hand while staring into my eyes. I pulled my hand back softly, trying not to hurt his feelings and turned my attention back to Damon.

"Hello," I said, glancing at Jeremy.

"Did you call Elena?" he asked, I could hear crying in the back. I rolled my eyes, of course, she would be concerned right now. Too bad that doesn't happen later in the series.

I shook my head, "No, I called you first because I found out something you're not gonna like."

He groaned, head probably tilted upward, "What is it now?" I chuckled, smiling softly. Movement caught my eye and I glanced back at Jeremy. He was glaring at the ground as if trying not to react to Damon and I's conversation. I rolled my eyes, sighing.

I bit my lip, nervously, "Um, you remember I told you about getting a toad back into its correct pond," We came up with a code to say when we're around people. He came up with the toad idea, ironically. "Well, I found out how to get its pound back, but it's not that simple."

"Why, bunny? What happened?" he sighed, heavily. Probably getting impatient.

"Um, well you know that it has to find its mate, and I know who its mate is." I swirled the dirt on my finger from the ground. I glanced back at Jeremy and his head snapped down to look at the ground. I raised an eyebrow, and gestured to the bag he brought for me. He nodded and got it, his footsteps echoing through the old house.

"Who is its mate, bunny? Who is it?" he questioned.

I looked at the door and whispered into the phone, "Klaus". Silence filled the room as I heard whooshing sounds through the phone. Damon was probably trying to get away from the house, away from Stefan. Then it stopped and he came back to the phone.

"Ok say that again because I didn't hear you correctly. I might be going crazy cuz the I heard didn't sound right, so bunny could you please repeat yourself," he said, pacing heavily.

I sighed and adjusted my position. "Klaus is my mate, Damon. You heard me, I'm just as surprised as you so don't even start." I said, going through the back I packed. I picked out an outfit that was comfortable and warm. I picked out a black long-sleeved crop and dark gray yoga leggings. It was the closest thing I could get to what I used to wear back in the other world. I need 2019 to come back cus I can't deal with all these outta date shit. I dispelled the spell on my hair, making Bonnie's hair fall lightly on my back. I shook it out and grabbed the scrunchie on my wrist, tying my hair back. I looked at the door and closed it with my mind. I don't want Jeremy seeing my body, I don't care who body I'm in.

While all this was happening, Damon was quiet. I realized I had accidentally put the phone on mute. I unmute the phone and held it up to my ear. "Nigga, the fuck you doin!!" I exclaimed, jerking the phone from my ear. Damon, yelling and cursing, could be heard through the phone. I dropped the phone, putting it on speakerphone. I turned the volume down slightly as I didn't want Jeremy bursting through the room. I sighed and got up to change my clothes.

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