Elena's extraness and introductions

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She patted her back and smiled widely. "I know how we are going to get my body back," Hazel declared. Bonnie's eyes widened and she gasped.

*Hazel's P.O.V*

"How?" Bonnie asked.

"Well, while you were in here, doing what you were doing," Bonnie opened her mouth to respond, "We'll talk about that later. Anyways, I've been searching for ways to restore a body, which there are a lot of spells for. I did them and that didn't work, so I tried spells that can transport bodies. But to no avail, I found spells that can create bodies."

"So you're going to create your body? But how is that possible?" Bonnie asked, sitting down. She felt down after the emotional rollercoaster she had been on. Hazel looked down at her and summoned a blanket for Bonnie. Hazel fluffed it out and put it around Bonnie. Bonnie smiled in thanks and snuggled into the soft blanket.

"Apparently I found out that this all-mighty witch had died, and she was like fuck that. So she made her body from other supernatural beings and elements in the earth. Shit was wicked but if that what it takes, then I got to do it," I explained to Bonnie. She nodded in understanding and asked me what were the steps to be completed.

"First I need to capture or killed 2-3 supernatural beings, one witch, two werewolves, one-"

"Wait, there are werewolves?" Bonnie gawked in shock. She only knew there were vampires and witches. She wondered what other supernatural beings there were. Honey, you don't know the half of it.

"Uh, yeah. There's a lot of supernatural beings in this world. Anyway, it needs to be mixed and matched, it can't only be one supernatural being. That sucks ass because I would have my body by now, but now it has to be different. Fuck you, laws of spells," I ranted to myself, raising my fist to the air. Bonnie sighed, she was glad to see me. She had missed Hazel but sometimes she was difficult. This is an example of one of those times. (A/N: There is a reason why it has to be different supernatural beings)

"Hazel, please finish explaining," I stopped my rant to look at Bonnie, pouting. I shrugged and finished my explanation, "Anyway, I actually got one piece of life already from this guy named Jonas Martin. He tried to take away my powers but since I'm me, that can't happen. So I made him believe he did and when he was dying he gave me his powers by mistake, thus killing himself in the process."

Bonnie nodded, thankful Hazel experiencing that for her. She would have been devastated if her powers were taken away from her. She could only do so much in Hazel's mind and she could have her powers growing rapidly.

"So all I need to do is kill 1 or 2 vampires and steal their essence and souls," Bonnie's expression was horrified, "What? I have to get in my own body soon. If I don't, I will probably die because your powers are growing too fast. I don't know why you used to doubt yourself about your powers. At this rate, they're going to kill me. Plus I'm not heartless."

Bonnie thought about it. She didn't want to kill Hazel from her power growing too much because if Hazel dies, Bonnie dies. Bonnie also doesn't want to lose a sister. Bonnie sighed and nodded, agreeing to the decision.

"I'm just going to use the evil ones, like child molesters or rapists," Bonnie's eyes widened with disbelief, Hazel shrugged, "What? There are terrible people out there, and some of them are humans."

Bonnie nodded with her hands on her hips, though she was skeptical. She understood Hazel's reasonings and pickings, but couldn't get on board with the idea of killing. She would do it to protect herself and others, but just to kill people just to obtain something is inhumane.

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