Klaus's self control and Hazel.....

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Klaus's POV* (A/N: Been waiting to do this)

"So... *slap* *pop* are we going cus I'm not with all this moving around shit. I mean I want to travel the world, but I'd like to know where I'm going before I go anywhere.... You know, I didn't imagine you to be this grumpy besides Mr. Saint Stefan here. Do I make you uncomfortable *pop* cus if we gonna be together, Imma *slap* let you know now: my ass is crazy.*pop* Like real crazy, ain't gonna be cheatin on me, bitch. Fuck I look like. Imma bad bitch and I can get as many niggas and bitches I want. But Imma make an exception...I do do threesomes, I'm freaky deaky. *pop*... Anyway, can we stop to eat something cus I'm human so I can't go long periods without eatin somethin, you know. You're a vampire but you're a wolf too, right? Just to let you know, that whole sacrifice shit, I let that happen *slap*. Don't underestimate me, I know how to kill, yo furry ass. You too, Mr. Rippah.*pop*" A sweet, but seductive voice rang through my head. I looked over to my right as I watched my mate pop her gum, picking her nails. Her lips were glossy and her skin looked bright under the hot sun.

I growled softly at her to shut her up, but she waved me off. She glanced at me before pulling out her phone, texting rapidly before putting it down and looking at me sharply. "Nigga, you don't scare me. You might be the big bad Original, but as you can see I'm not fazed by the slightest" she popped her gum at me before looking behind her at Stefan, "Bitch still out. You must've hit his ass hard as fuck." She looked at me and smirked, bringing sparks through my veins. I looked away, back to the road, not replying to her ramblings. Hazel humphed and looked outside at the countryside. The light enhanced her features dramatically. Her hair, soft and luscious, shined, making the burgundy seem like a dark red. Her hair was curly and long, hitting the seat softly as she leaned back into the seat. Her skin sparkled, popping out her little freckles on her shoulders. Her nose wrinkled and she lightly swiped it, tapping the two rings. She wore big silver hoops to match her curly afro. She wore an olive long-sleeved cropped top, exposing her piercing she got before leaving Mystic Falls. 'I could never get one, my ma wouldn't let me until I was 18. She ain't here now. I do what I want.' she said to me when we stopped food and the piercings. She wore black shorts, revealing her brown, smooth legs. She crossed them and I looked at her face. She smirked at me, rolling her eyes.

I sighed and glanced at Stefan. His head was in an awkward position, resting against the seat. Rage slowly crept in my mind as I thought about him trying to escape me because of Hazel's interruption. I should actually thank her because it caused me to take him without any cause. Even though his girlfriend's dead *shrugs*, I needed her for my sacrifice, so too bad. I had to knock him out in order for him to come with me.


Blood getting on my feet, Hazel was pushed to a wall. A hot, cinnamon breath snarled in Hazel's ear, "Who are you and what are you doing in here?"

Hazel looked at me before cheesing, "I'm the bitch who stuck with you for life, nigga." Hazel licked my cheek and winked.

I snarled in her face, lightly spitting. She blinked hard and long as she was shocked by my reaction. "Really, bitch?" I was thrown away from her, Hazel wiped her face and adjusted her clothing, "If I wanted a face for a spit and 'rawr', then I would have asked for it. No need to be so hostile, Klaus."

I crouched, glaring at her before standing up, walking to get some whiskey. I examined her before demanding who she was. She smirked and raised her hands in a gesturing way, "I'm Hazel Lovely and I'm your mate. I would say it's nice to meet you but you're a dick sooo nevermind." She looked at Stefan and flirty waved at him. Stefan frowned and she winked, chuckling. She sighed, head tilted, "Do you have to look so paranoid. You already know who I am. I can see it in your eyes. You recognized me."

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