Bonnie's Body and The Vampire Diaries

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Screams for help rang through my head. I grabbed my ears in pain. "Would you stop screaming and making all that noise in my goddamn head!!" I yelled. The screams stopped and I sighed in relief. "Now you can ask your questions."

"Who are you? Why are you in my body? What happened to Emily? Why doesn't my neck hurt? What happened to the crystal? What happened to Elena?" she rapidly asked, bombarding with questions.

"Woah, okay. Please stop. I'll answer those questions. Um, I'm Hazel Lovely, I'm 17 and one of Emily's daughters. I'm in your body because Emily sent me to help you. Emily went back to the other side, she's probably weak from the spell that sent me here. Your neck hurts because that blood-sucking dick tore a piece of your neck. Emily made the crystal explode to prevent vampires from getting out of the cave. And who gives a shit about Elena, I bet she's fine," I answered, walking to her closet and looking at the clothes in there. She did have a nice selection but I'm me so I start sorting through stuff i would wear and not wear.

Bonnie sighed, "So you're a daughter of Emily. How are you 17 then?"

I sighed. "Well, I'm from another world. I was sent there when I was a baby because I was in danger from being really powerful. People were going to kill or kidnap me from my mother and she didn't want that. So she sent me away to my mom. My mom raised me until Emily came and got me to bring me here," I explained while pulling out outfits to wear for school.

"Bonnie?" a voice called from the stairs. It sounded like Sheila Bennett, a.k.a Grams. She came to the door and opened it. 'She's beautiful,' I thought, looking at her with clothes in my hands. She looked concerned and I remembered I was screaming and yelling earlier.

"Bonnie, are you okay?" Grams asked, looking around the room. 'She probably thought there was something killing me or at least trying to.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just saw a bug and screamed," I said, putting the clothes down on the bed, "Then the bug jumped and I'm not with all that shit. Fuck that." I turned back to her to see her eyes narrowed.

"Who are you?" she demanded, stomping towards me to grab my arm. "What do you me-", I was cut off by the feeling of power rushing in me. When she touched my arm, my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

I opened my eyes to see Bonnie staring at me in shock. I raised my arms to see my real arms. I looked down at my body to see I was myself, not Bonnie. I looked up at Bonnie, shocked to be in my body. "What the hell?," I said, confused.

"Who are you?" a voice demanded. I whirled around to see Grams and behind her void, complete darkness. I gasped and looked around. It was void all around us like in the Other Side. My arms were grabbed and was turned around to face Grams.

She repeated her question louder. "Hazel Lovely, ma'am," I gasped out as I felt the rush of power flow back into me. Bonnie quickly walked over to separate us. When Grams' hands left me, I sighed and hugged myself. I felt hot and sick, I guess it was the overload power that rushed into me that made me feel that way.

"You, my child, are going to be something that changes the supernatural world," Grams said, staring at me, " You are the one, they were talking about in the past. You were the legend that escaped death."

Grams stepped closer to me, I stepped back, wary of her. She sighed, "I'm sorry for that. I just want to keep my granddaughter safe.." I sighed and turned to Bonnie. She was watching us with her arms crossed, frowning. Sheila went to her and hugged her.

"Bonnie, I know you want your body but you need to let her use it until she can get hers back," she said, rubbing Bonnie's shoulders.

"Um," Their heads whirled to look at me, "when is that gonna be? Cause, no offense Bonnie, but I like my body. And I want to be in it."

Grams sighed and told me, "Well, I can't be sure about that, but I can see your body developing as you stand here. You are from another world that moves faster than ours, so it will take some time to develop properly."

"How long do you think it's going to take?" I questioned, again I like my body, thank you very much.

"Probably a year or maybe in 2 months. It depends, honestly. You can't predict magic and shouldn't time jump like the way you did," she answered. I sighed and looked upwards. This shit always happens to me, like the world is saying "fuck you, Hazel."

Grams chuckled and took ahold of mine and Bonnie's hand. She closed her eyes and I was suddenly back into Bonnie's body. I jumped and touched Bonnie's body. I sighed, here we go again.

Grams told me to get some sleep to get ready for school tomorrow. I nodded and got out of Bonnie's bloody clothes. I went to her drawers and pulled out short shorts and a tank top.

"What the hell are you doing?" Bonnie's voice appeared in my mind.

I smirked, "Well, this is what I usually wear to bed, so you're going to have to deal with it, honeybunny." Bonnie huffed like her arms were crossed and she was pouting. I chuckled and put on the clothes. I got in bed and went to sleep.


The next morning, Bonnie and I were talking about what happened last night.

I was picking out my outfit and decided on skinny jeans, an olive cropped tube top, a black long-sleeved cardigan, and black pumps with studs on them. "Who knew you had this shit in here. You always dressed like a prude, but I'm surprised to find this in here." I bit my lip and looked in the mirror, damn I look good.

Bonnie sighed, "That was Caroline who convinced me to get that stuff. I don't wear this type of stuff. What are you doing?" she asked, looking at me holding my nose.

"I think we need a nose piercing because it just spices up things. You look like you would look good with you anyway. Maybe you should dye your hair," I said, imagining blonde hair and two nose rings.

"No! We're not doing that! Never ever," Bonnie exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and put a plume- shade lipstick on. I also put on false lashes and heavy eyeliner to enhance her features. Truly, I think Bonnie's beautiful but I'm also trying to get her out of her shell too. Shit, there is nothing wrong with trying to look sexy. Her hair was wavy but I knew the actor had curly hair, so I spritz my hair with water. The curls began to come out and I grinned. I styled my hair in natural curls and put on large silver hoops.

I stepped back and let Bonnie look at me. "Woah," she said. I smirked and looked for her bag so we could go to school.

"Grab that book too," Boonie said when I held my hand over it. I picked it up and looked at the cover. It was brown, old, 'This must be a grimoire," I thought, and turned it,'Or a journal.' I sighed and put it in her bag. I went downstairs to see Grams sitting at the table, looking at papers. She turned to me and got up to give me a hug. My eyes widened as warm arms wrapped around me, I smiled and hugged her back.

"Don't cause too much trouble while you're out Hazel," she let me go and looked at my outfit, "You seem to be lots of trouble for Bonnie if you're dressed like that."

I smirked, jutting out my hip, "Can I get a nose piercing for Bonnie. She needs it, it will make her more unique."

Grams nodded, "Yes. she can," I started to squeal and jump around. Bonnie was protesting in my mind but ignore her, "But only if Bonnie wants too." Grams said, sitting back at the table. I stopped and pouted with my arms crossed. Bonnie laughed and I huffed. I gave Grams a kiss on the cheek and left for Bonnie's Pruis.

"We are going to have so much fun, Bonnie. You don't even know," I said while getting the car.

"That's what I'm scared of," Bonnie sighed. I chuckled and started the car. A figure appeared in my rearview mirror and turned to see what it was. But when I turned around, nothing was there. I shrugged and started to drive to Mystic Falls High.

Damon stood in the street, staring after the car. "Well, what happened to you, little witch. Guess I have to find out myself," he smirked and flashed away.

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