Chapter 13

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A/N: I chopped this in half because I didn't feel like posting all of that at once who this chapter is into sections. The next part will probably come out tomorrow or Sunday. If you enjoyed please comment and like (I do read everyone's comments and love all of you. Bye!

Gentle pushing woke me out of my slumber in the car. We left Tennessee the next morning to go to Chicago. Klaus had another moment on the road where he lashed out on me, saying that I was just there because I was his mate.

*Flashback in a flashback*

"You don't care about my dream of having a real family, you just care about being the mate of the most powerful being in the world," Klaus yelled at me.

I rolled my eyes and threw my hands down in anger, "My gosh. I don't give a fuck about your stupid ass dream. If I wanted to be with you for your power, I would have fucked you and stayed in Mystic Falls with my Bon Bon," he stared at me in a rage, opening his mouth to yell some more. I shrugged, "Damn can't you believe that I actually want to get to know you more. For us to have a relationship. Or you that stupid to see the signs?" I rolled my eyes and walked away before stopping and turning back to him, "And frankly, from what you told me, you have a wonderful family. You choose not to accept them and love, but to lock them away when they don't agree with your every decision. Are you gonna do that to me when I hate you for your ignorance? If you are just doing it now, we can get this out the way! I want to love you, be by your side, support your decisions, and guide you to rule the world. You do want to rule this world right? If you're done being dramatic as hell, get in the back, so we can finish these twenty questions shit we were doing." He looked at me with a shocked expression and I smirked at him, hopping back into the back seat. Stefan glanced at me and I raised my eyebrows at him, jokingly. He chuckled and shook his head at me, we waited for Klaus to finish his temper tantrum and get back into the car.


What I realized while being on this trip with Klaus is that he has trust issues, which is fine. I have mine and then some. He doesn't like repeating himself (but he does it all the time anyway), he like sweets( bitch kept stealing my fucking skittles), he favors his brother Elijah because he helped him when his father used to beat him, he adores his sister Rebekah(even though she gets on his last fucking nerves((his words, not mine)), and he loves traveling but would rather remain in New Orleans because it's his favorite place.

"Why do you like it so much," I asked, munching on sweet tarts. Klaus grabbed the bag and shook out a large amount, making me scowl on him.

He grinned at me, "It's filled with magic. The city was built on it," he glanced at Stefan and pulled out his phone, texting me.

K: My siblings and I built that city. I'm the king of that city. It was my creation

I nodded, "So you feel entitled to it?" Klaus nodded and texted me again.

K: I would never leave my creations, they are precious to me

Klaus looked saddened after texting me that. I remember how disappointed he was to kill his failed hybrids. I know he feels alone because he's the only one to be a hybrid, but he shouldn't abandon his other family. I told him as much. He shook his head

K: They don't believe in me. They treat me like a child until I put a dagger in their hearts

I scowled, shaking my head at him. "You shouldn't want to do that to them for disagreeing with you. They are entitled to their own opinions. You know your brother would have helped you if you asked him for it. He loves you, that's why he betrayed the Scooby Gang and helped you escape from me and my power," I smiled at him, rubbing his arm. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Stefan glanced at me in the rear-view mirror, I winked at him.

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