Chapter 15

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A/N: Soooo....hey y'all I'm sorry about the long wait, lives just been crazy. I turned 18 and people started to notice me and its been crazy😅. This was actually supposed to go up a few days ago, but Google is being fucking annoying. I have to transfer everything to a new site which is very stressful. I've been reading all your comments and love each one of you for supporting me and this story. I do hope you like this chapter and keep the comments coming because it inspires me to write more things for y'all to laugh at. I will try (key word try) to have another chapter up next week. Again, I love you all and enjoy!

"Where is the rest of this dress?" Bekah's throaty voice sent shivers down my back. I stared at her revealing figure. Her smooth legs and creamy bosom on full display. I licked my lips as she turned to me, seeing the look in my eye. I know my past self was bi and preferred women, but I preferred men. (Yes, I'm bi, if you have a problem, I don't give a fuck????) (A/N: Same, don't judge). But seeing Rebekah, and remembering how her body felt on mines was a dream, come true. Victoria's life was hard; and the club and Rebekah was her freedom. Rebekah reminds me of all the freedom and happiness Victoria felt in her last moments. I can't help feel Victoria's lingering feelings for Rebekah, especially if she's wearing that. Plus I was horny and needed relief, (Traveling with super- heightened hearing ass niggas is something you don't want to do if you want to relieve any of your stress.) (Especially one of those niggas is your mate and won't give you any because of "certain" reasons).

Rebekah smirked at me, and I looked away, shaking my head. Dirty thoughts about your mate's sister aren't good, especially since said mate's sister knows how you feel them as well. "I think the dress looks great on you," Stefan's sarcastic voice shook my thoughts, making me look at him. His head was in his hand as he cleaned his nails in boredom. Klaus glanced at Bekah and focused back at my thighs in his lap. His fingers massaging my soft flesh, poking at my jean shorts. These Mikealson's are going to kill me.

"I think it looks nice Be-Rebekah, it compliments your figure," I say, trying not to say what I really thought of the dress. The dress would literally kill me if Klaus doesn't first for hitting on his sister. Why do I always get in these situations? I watched Rebekah's mouth as she threw a quick lustful at me and then started arguing with Klaus. Mind you, this was hard because Klaus kept getting closer to my pussy and my eyes seem to be not cooperating with me, by staying on Rebekah's plump pink lips.

"Love, you okay?" Klaus asked me, making me inhale sharply at his rough hand, sliding closer to my vagina. I bit my lip and turned my attention to his bitch ass. This pale motherfucker knew what the fuck he was doing and had the audacity to try it with me. He obviously didn't know me and how petty my ass could be. I smiled and leaned forward, taking my back off the couch. I slid my hand up to his chest and straddled his thighs. I rubbed his curly hair, softly and grabbed his cock, sharply. He jumped, grabbing my thigh. I retaliated by grabbing his neck and said in his face, "Bitch, I'm fine. I would be even better if you left my pussy lips alone and made sure your sister doesn't look like a hoe on Tuesday," I stroked his cock, slowly, making him growl, deeply," Now, if your done, I'm going to get food with Stefan because your sister seemed to have forgotten that people need fucking food and I'm hungry as a bitch. Ciao!, honeybunny!" I let go of his cock, teasing him, slightly. I jumped off his lap and grabbed Stefan's hand, leaving before Klaus could kill both of us.

I sighed in relief of Klaus not following us, scowling at Stefan's chuckle. I watched as the black veins under his eyes grew more prominent. I slapped Gibbs' slap him hard af cus I'm not tryna see that shit. What am I going to do with two Originals trying to fuck me and a brooding ripper while being hundreds of miles away from my two best friends. I groan loudly at my thoughts, pacing, waiting for Katherine to show up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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