Chapter 14

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"So anything you want to tell me before we wake up your sister?" I asked, looking at the scenery. In my old life, I was living in Florida, I didn't travel anywhere, so this was my first time seeing new places. I had always thought Chicago was smoggy and dark all the time, but it was beautiful and bright at the same time. People looked happy and lively as opposed to how it was in the 1920s. The streets back then were filled with trash and riots on every corner. It was even more chaos in the south, lynching, and killings of black people and our supporters. A tear slipped from my eye just thinking about the past. Even though I remember my past life, it just makes me warier around white people. I quickly wiped away my tear and looked at Klaus.

Klaus glanced at me, then back to the road; he didn't seem to notice the tear. "Well, she might recognize you, but you should be fine, besides her trying to eat," Klaus smirked at me. I shook my head in disbelief. Never had I imagined a life with someone trying to eat in a nonsexual way.

When we walked into the warehouse, I felt a lot of power coming from the near corner. 'Must be Esther and her magic, I feel.' I thought to myself. The magic was dark and earthy, like it was hers but still filled with evil. Klaus showcased the coffins to us with a smile, walking to the one which held Rebekah. I skipped over her and walked to Esther's coffin. The magic was oozing from it in large amounts. I reached out to put my hand on it as a voice in me stopped me in my tracks. The voice sounded scared and helpless. I shook it off, just feeling scared of the outcome. I hesitantly put my hand on the top of the coffin, my hand penetrating the thick, hot layer of dark magic.

I gasped, seeing images flash before my eyes. They moved too quickly for me to focus on one until Esther appeared, standing in a field, arms crossed in front of her in a formal manner. "My child, it's nice to see," her calm voice trickled through the big field, she looked around, "I see you found my body then?" I didn't answer as I was wary of her, she knew who I was, and that scared me. She had a habit of using the Bennett blood for her creations, so I instantly didn't trust her. The fact she knew me personally, made me realize she probably knew the magic I possessed as well.

Instead of answering her, I looked around the world we were in. The air was stuffy and tensed as if a battle was going to occur. The field was wide as it reached a thick woods, surrounding the area. The field was filled with dead grass and bushes. There was a large stump in the middle, separating us. I looked back at her to see she hadn't moved, but I can feel her presence closer than ever.

"You're not taking my families or my magic to use for your benefit," I stated.

Esther smiled softly and raised her hands to gesture to the field. "My sisters will grant me the power I need to destroy my children. I don't need your power, even though you are the most powerful witch to exist in the Bennett line," she declared, feeling confident in herself.

I stepped closer, conjuring magic in my hand. A small blue flame grew in my hand and danced on my skin. I shaped it into a ball and threw it up in the air, catching it. "I could kill you while you rest in that coffin without trying but I'm not that heartless," I said, throwing the ball of fire at her, making her catch on fire. She screamed, trying to put the flame out, but I made it so it would go out when I wanted it to. "Since you're Klaus's mother, I'll give you a chance, but I will kill you if you try one. little. move, got me?" I whispered to her, the sky growing darker as I put more magic in the fire, making it burn her brighter. She screamed her pleas and made her promises. I sighed, canceling the spell. I looked at her and she glared hatefully at me. I smirked and left her with a broken neck that she could heal herself.

"Love?" I opened my eyes to feel Klaus's hand on my shoulder. My hand still on the coffin, I felt the power lessen to half its size. I balled my fist and lifted my hand off the coffin with, reassurance. I turned to Klaus, his face filled with suspicion and concern. I smiled and grabbed the hand on my shoulder, pulling him to his sister's coffin. I peered in and was amazed.

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