〰Chapter 1〰

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Maybe it was because he wanted to go at least one year without having to constantly worry about death crawling up his spine. Or maybe there was just something simply comforting about routine, but all that mattered was that he was back now. They all were. Well, most of them at least.

It was the year after Voldemort's fall and all students were offered to come back to Hogwarts to re-take eighth year. Of course, Harry had been offered an immediate spot as an Auror but he declined, honestly wanting to continue Quidditch as a career. Ron had grumbled about coming back but Hermione had convinced him that it would be worth it.

So there they were the golden trio on one sunny day, sitting in the great hall. Of course, they weren't the only ones who came back. The majority of last year came back actually, with the exception of the ones who had tragically died and the ones that had been locked up in Askaban.

Harry had observed that half the Slytherins didn't come back, but that wasn't what he was focused on. It was one specific blonde that Harry hadn't been able to keep his eye off of. It wasn't anything like his obsession in 6th year either, it was merely curiosity. McGonagall had set up common rooms for the eighth year houses to share, something about house unity, and of course, Harry just had to be forced into sharing his with that certain blonde.

Harry had realized though, that the blonde had changed immensely. Not just psychically, but it was like his personality had changed too. He was a lot quieter now, sitting away from all the other Slytherins at meals and only speaking when he was called upon.

What intrigued Harry more, however, was his change in clothing. Apart from wearing robes on school days, he wore muggle clothing on the weekends. Aside from that, he wore what looked like an old grey beanie all the time. It was torn in some places but that didn't stop the blonde from wearing it. It seemed as the professors didn't mind because they didn't say anything about it.

Harry had to admit that sharing a room with the blonde wasn't all that bad. Malfoy didn't bother him and in return, Harry didn't bother him. They didn't talk to each other at all, exchanging glances every once in a while. If Harry was being honest though, he'd do anything to get him to speak, even if it was to yell at him.

It wasn't that Harry wanted him to be an annoying git but there was just something ever so comforting about routine that Harry wanted to go back to. Harry had spoken up in the Malfoy trials, defending Narcissa for not giving him to the dark lord. Malfoy had gotten off with prohibition, meaning he had to go to Hogwarts and was heavily monitored. If the blonde was to start something, the ministry would know immediately and with a snap of fingers, they would be there. Lucius Malfoy was immediately sent to Askaban without hesitation, the ministry didn't need to even think about that one.

Nowadays, Harry didn't see the proud, snarky, racist, child he used to see. Instead, he saw a silent, pale- maybe too pale- and extremely skinny bloke. Both the boys got accustomed to staying with each other.

See, the thing is that Harry knew the blonde was hurting. He, along with the many people at Hogwarts, heard the cruel rumors and whispers about the Malfoy's. Harry knew that Malfoy was getting pushed around by other students, dare he go as far as to say bullying? Part of him honestly did feel bad but another part of him felt as if the blonde deserved it. Karma for all the years that the blonde had tortured them. But no, Harry knew he wasn't raised that way and no, he really couldn't find it in him to feel happy that the blonde was in pain.

After all, the blonde didn't bother Harry and in return, Harry didn't tell anybody about the soft crying he heard every night. Harry always just laid on his bed, his back turned from his roommate as he fought the urge to go over to the other side and comfort the blonde.

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