〰Chapter 24〰

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"What's the rush?" Draco asked, looking up from his book to look at Harry eating his food in what was surely a dangerous pace.

Harry took a bite of his syrup covered pancakes and swallowed before speaking, "Quidditch practice, we have our final match for the entire year next week, remember?"

The blonde rolled his eyes, "How could I forget? It's all you talk about now."

Harry shot him a grin at the same time that four familiar Slytherin girls shuffled over to where the pair was sitting, looking unsure of themselves. The blonde raised his eyebrows then looked over to his boyfriend only to roll his eyes when he realized Harry hadn't even seen the girls.

Draco cleared his throat and lightly swatted Harry's arm, shooting him an exasperated look. Harry shot him with a face that asked, 'what?'

The blonde shook his head in disbelief before looking back at the four girls, "Sorry, he's a bit out of it." He said.

Only then did Harry realize the presence of the others and Draco was glad he had the decency to flush.

The girls giggled before the one with glasses, Daphne, Draco recalled, spoke up, "We were wondering- erm, would it be ok if we sat here? Just for today?"

Harry raised his eyebrows but before he could say anything Draco had already nodded his head and the four were already sliding in their seats across from them, and all Harry could do was look with wide eyes.

Draco felt the need to grab Harry by his shoulders and shake him right there and then on the spot.

"Harry, this is Daphne," The blonde explained waving his hand at the girl with black hair, "Ruby," Harry noted that her hair was almost the same color as Draco's hair, "And Ally and Fern." He finished, waving at the brunette twins.

Harry looked over at the blonde in confusion only for Draco to give him a look as to say that he should know who these four were.

Harry slowly put the pieces together, "Oh! These are- Oh! Okay, hi!"

Draco resisted the urge, the very strong urge to facepalm himself instead he looked back at the girls and smiled, "So, did you ladies need anything?" He asked.

Fern couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips, getting the attention of her friends who looked over at her in confusion. She blushed but looked over at what got her attention. Draco followed her gaze and groaned.

He felt heat rush up to his cheeks, "Harry, you have..." He trailed off, waving at the corner of his own lips to mirror where the syrup was currently decorating the Gryffindors cheek.

Harry looked at him with wide eyes before wiping at the opposite area where the syrup was.

"No, it's- The other side harry... Merlin, did no one teach you basic manners?"

The blonde finally got fed up with the ladder, "Oh for the love of- Let me see." He snapped, wiping away the syrup with his finger.

Harry felt his cheeks heat as giggling arose from the girls. He shot the blonde an apologetic grin which was met with a heated glare. The blonde raised his eyebrows and Harry watched his boyfriend's face softened before bringing his finger up to his lips, making a dramatic show of licking the syrup off. Harry could've sworn that Draco's molten eyes darkened as he stuck his tongue out and swirled it along with the pad of his finger for good measure. With a smirk, the blonde knew he had won, what he had won, he wasn't sure but the satisfaction felt good.

Harry hadn't realized when his mouth had dropped open but as soon as Draco spoke, saying, "Close your mouth, dear, you'll attract flies." He snapped his mouth shut.

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