〰Chapter 17 〰

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He was sinking.

Or maybe he was floating, Draco wasn't sure. All he could focus on was the voice luring him in and leaving him vulnerable and weak, ready to obey any command.

"Lay on your back." The voice commanded.

Draco obeyed, his lust-filled phase clouding his mind. A hand trailed on his shoulder, but it was different this time. It was gentle, caressing. Not hurtful or abusive. It was...

Draco didn't know how to put it into words, all he could think of is how good it felt and that he wanted more. The commanding figure was hidden, the sunlight refusing to come to an angle to where Draco could see who it was. He raised his hand up to caress, to feel, to touch, but his fingers were slapped away with a growl.

The figure snarled, "Did I say you could touch?" He growled.

The figure was definitely a male, Draco figured out that part a long time ago, and the growling voice was currently turning him on even more. He suddenly realized that he was naked on the top half, his shirt gone somewhere among the room.

He'd been having these visits for about 3 weeks now and for the record, he didn't know how to feel about them. He'd be visited with this 'stranger' and it was always the same. The shadowy figure would never actually be seen but he always left Draco hot and sweaty with arousal.

The figure moved one hand to pin both of Draco's hands above his head, leaving the blonde at the stranger's mercy.

"Please..." Draco could only whine.

The figure dipped and a gasp escaped the blonde's lips as a tongue caressed his neck. The warm mouth continued to suck, lap, and bite —but not too hard— at Draco's flesh.

He couldn't move, he was bound at the stranger's mercy and Merlin, it was nothing like he'd ever felt before. This wasn't the same cruel hands that had pushed him down and forced him to do things he wasn't ready to. This was different and strange. Different, but good.

It was so good.

The person himself was so inviting, so enchanting that it made the Slytherins body throb and shake in need.

"Want..." Was all he could get out.

And then finally,  finally, he felt the person's lips on his own.

If Draco had to choose one food to live off of for the rest of his life it wouldn't be a food, it would be the lips that were currently devouring his. They were thin but so soft pushing against Draco's own. Sending pressure so that the blonde would open his mouth. As soon as he did, a tongue invaded in, licking and lapping inside the insanely hot cavern.

The stranger's taste was so intoxicating that Draco felt like he was forgetting everything important that he was supposed to remember. A hand came up to entangle itself in the blonde locks, pulling and twisting, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to create a moan from both people.

The stranger pulled back suddenly, a string of saliva still connected the two from their previously intertwined tongues. The looming figure let go of Draco's hands but the Slytherin couldn't muster the energy to move them from their spots. One of the stranger's hand moved to cup the pale boy's face roughly.

A low laugh was heard before Draco felt two fingers gently prying his lips open. He allowed them to find there way inside his mouth and his head fell back as a moan erupted his body. His eyes closed, squeezing shut as he felt a tongue on his now hardened nipple.

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