〰Chapter 27〰

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Harry ran the water as Draco sat beside the faucet on the counter, waiting. Harry slipped his hand under the shower head to make sure the water wasn't too hot or too cold.

Harry reached to the hem of his Quidditch shirt and lifted it above his head, tossing it to the ground, uncaring where it landed.

He turned to the blonde with a smile, he took that moment to cup the blonde's face in his hands, pressing his lips to the ladder's. The blonde's lips were like a fire, cradling Harry's face from any cold. Warmth ran through their veins causing a tingling sensation in the very tips of their fingers.

Harry pulled away to watch as the blonde underneath him breathed in pants, hot air escaping his pink, bruised lips.

The Gryffindor's fingers trembled as he reached for his pants to unfasten it. Stepping out of the fabric that pooled onto the ground, he cradled the blonde's cheeks in his hands, peppering kisses around the soft skin of his face.

Harry's kisses took a downward turn and were littered across Slytherin's neck instead. Harry's lips suckled an area in front of the blonde's  throat and when a moan escaped the ladder, Harry knew he had found the Slytherin's sweet spot.

The pair stood in nothing but their slacks, lips locked and tongues clashing. Harry pulled away and kneeled, working his way down the ladder's chest but momentarily pausing at Draco's naval.

He settled between the blonde's slender legs, his tongue darting out to the area inside the blonde's thigh. Harry let himself suck and bite at the skin when he felt the muscle tremble under his tongue.

"So pretty." He murmured the compliment.

He dipped his fingers underneath the fabric of the ladders boxers, fingers skimming the area where the waistband had been clinging onto the blonde's hips. His tongue darted out to the soft material, wetting the bulge of his length. He lapped at the area where precome had already bundled and soaked through.

Harry didn't dare rush through any of it. He wanted Draco to know just how special he was. He knew this was the next step and he wanted him to know that sex could be gentle and loving.

Harry looked up to look at the ladder in front of him, eyes squeezed shut, and chest heaving from the pants that the Slytherin was exhaling. Harry smiled and softly squeezed and massaged the ladder's thighs, pulling the blonde slightly to sit on the edge of the sink counter as his teeth grazed along his clothed length.

Harry looked back at Draco's reassurances and let his hand hover over the waistband of his slacks for a second as he looked up, "Can I take this off?" Harry asked maintaining eye contact with the silver orbs.

The nod was hesitant but when it came, the blonde lifted himself a bit, allowing Harry to slip Draco's boxers over the curve of his arse, letting them fall near their other clothes.

Harry looked up, making sure the blonde was okay before leaning back in to kiss the crown of his arching shaft. Harry stood back up to kiss the blonde's temple.

Harry shifted to press his lips to the other for a small kiss before pulling away to trace along his nipples, rolling one in between the pads of his finger and thumb. The blonde stifled a moan and instead opted on letting out a huff.

"Let it out," Harry whispered, "Let me hear those beautiful sounds."

Harry ducked down to press a soft kiss to Draco's already bruised lips before crouching again to let his lips cover one of the rosy buds. His tongue flicked above the hardened nipple for a while before biting down.

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