〰Chapter 16 〰

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Harry smiled as he felt the body next to him stir. He tightened his hold against the warm body whom he was currently spooning and his smile widened.

The person turned around to sleepily face the Gryffindor and Harry found himself holding his breath at the breathtaking view of Draco Malfoy just now waking up with groggy eyes and bed hair and everything.

"Good Morning." Harry said in a sing-song voice.

The blonde tiredly opened his eyes to face his roommate, "G' morning." He slurred.

"I'm guessing you got some sleep after your er- nightmare then?" Harry asked.

The blonde slightly nodded, "Yeah, sorry for waking you last night." He replied.

"Draco, don't ever apologize for something like that." Harry muttered.

His roommate only shrugged.

They stayed in that position for just a couple of more minutes, Harry's arm wrapped around Draco's torso until the silence was broken by a rumbling.

The blonde's usually pale face was colored red in embarrassment and Harry couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, shut up you dork." Draco mumbled, pushing against Harry's chest only to push himself up to a sitting position on the bed.

Harry immediately missed the warmth that was near his body but continued laughing as the blonde stretched his arms.

"Seriously, it was not that funny!" Draco grumbled, turning around to face his roommate.

"It was!" Harry laughed in reply.

The Slytherin grabbed a pillow and without warning smacked his roommate with it which only made Harry laughter increase, infuriating Draco even more.

Harry finally settled down enough to slip off the bed.

"Alright, fine. Let's go down and grab a bite to eat to fill up your poor rumbling stomach before classes start." Harry joked.

"Harry?" The Slytherin said, batting his eyelashes.

Harry quirked his eyebrows, "Yes?"

"Do shut up, please." The blonde replied.

Harry only smiled some more as Draco got up from the bed. He watched as his roommate walk over to his closet to pull out his robes- including his uniform- and his beanie.

"I'm going to take a quick shower." The blonde muttered on his way to their shared bathroom.

"Wait, we're going to miss breakfast if you take too long." Harry replied, rummaging through his closet.

Draco looked back at his roommate, "We can snag something from the kitchens on our way, I'm sure the house elves won't mind and also you could use a shower yourself. Merlin forbids you from showering."

Harry found his robes and turned around, "I'll have you know I have great hygiene but right now, I'm hungry," Harry complained, "And telling by your stomach earlier, I'm guessing you're hungry too."

Draco rolled his eyes, "Then you go ahead, I'll catch up with you in defense."

Harry shook his head, "Nah, that's ok. I was just over exaggerating anyways, take your time. But don't be too long we might miss class."

"Right." The blonde replied, closing the bathroom door behind him after entering.

He put his robes aside and took off his shirt. He caught sight of his reflection in the mirror and frowned. He walked over to the glass until he was right across from it. With pale, shaky hands, Draco slowly traced his scarred flesh starting with his fingertips and then trailing up to his right shoulder. He did the same with his left hand and then slowly down his chest and to his torso. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, leaning on the sink for support.

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