〰Chapter 28 〰

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"Expecto Pa-" Draco swallowed the lump in his throat, stopping himself from trying to cast the spell.

"E-Expecto Patron- Patron..." The blonde trailed off, his arm slowly fell.

He closed his eyes as soft lips continued their ministrations on his neck, trailing up and down over and over again, never biting, never sucking, just there. And in some cases, that made it better.

Draco threw his head back, tilting his neck so that the ladder could get better access. A shiver ran up his spine when Harry's lips parted and his hot breath fanned out on Draco's skin.

Harry's hands snaked around Draco's torso and he slipped his hands under the front of the blonde's shirt to lightly massage the skin underneath.

"Harry, how do you expect me to- to cast a patronus if you keep, er- distracting me?" The blonde asked, biting his lip to conceal a groan.

Harry hummed and reluctantly removed his lips from his boyfriends neck. Draco took that moment to sigh in relief and he begged his small erection to go away. The moment of content only lasted a second before Harry spun the blonde around so that they faced each other.

He looked up at Harry who took both hands in his, "You're so pretty." Harry murmured, brushing his hand on the blonde's cheek.

Draco rolled his eyes, "Please, Potter, if I'm pretty then you must be some type of god compared to me."

Harry smiled and leaned in to place a chaste kiss on the blonde's forehead, moving around to press his lips all around his face.

Draco groaned, "Darling, I'm not going to be able to practice like this. Exams are in a week."

"You're going to pass." Harry stated, knowingly.

"You don't know that." The Slytherin replied.

Harry nodded his head and moved from away from the blonde, "Yes, I do."

"Geez, Potter at least wait until we're at the alter to say that." Draco blushed as he spoke.

Harry coughed from the shock of that statement, face burning a shade of red. Draco turned around in attempt to hide the flush rising up to his cheeks.

He picked up his wand and concentrated.

Harry leaving open-mouthed kisses as he trailed down different scars that littered his body.

Opening his eyes to reveal that Harry was holding him tightly and rocking them back and forth on his bed after all his nightmares. Tears sliding down his cheeks and sweat cling onto his body but Harry was always there, even when he felt as if he was suffocating and couldn't get enough air into his lungs.

Harry coming back to Hogwarts to spend Christmas with him, out of all people. Playing board games and drinking hot cocoa the whole day.

Harry's smile as he tightened his grip on him before standing up, carrying him. Slipping his arms underneath both of his slender legs and the other arm underneath his neck in a bridal manner.

Opening his eyes to be met with Harry's gentle smile before closing his eyes again and wrapping his arms around Harry's neck, nuzzling his head into the Gryffindor's warmth.

Harry letting out a sound of remorse after he gave him a flower crown of lilies.

Harry's lips on his, connecting over and over again, fingers intertwined in each other's hair and clenching into a fist as Harry sloppily licked his way into his mouth.

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