〰Chapter 5〰

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A/N- just a quick note that the picture up above is NOT Draco, it's an OC for this story! You'll soon find out who he is! Enjoy~~

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Professor Slughorn was definitely better at teaching potions rather than defense against the dark arts. Of course, he could never compare to Draco's godfather, but Draco still found himself quite fond of the class. It was just his classmates that he couldn't stand.

Slughorn liked to pair them up in groups so they could work on potions together. Which much to Draco's dismay, it meant a freeway express to torture by his partners.

Draco was seated in the back, partnered with some Gryffindor this time, Anthony Peters, Draco thought his name was, and they were currently supposed to be brewing the draught of living dead.

Draco and his partner worked in silence, to that, Draco was thankful. Draco had caught the brunette Gryffindor eyeing him a couple of times but he never said anything as Draco worked on the potion.

From the front of the room, an explosion occurred and Draco could see that Longbottom and his partner's cauldron had exploded. Draco watched as Slughorn ushered Longbottom and his partner out of there and to Madam Pomfrey.

"Class dismissed for today! Watch out for the spill!" Slughorn boomed on his way out.

Draco quickly gathered his stuff and went to rush out of the corridor. Before he could get anywhere, he was grabbed and he turned to see Peters gripping his wrist tightly.

Draco squeezed his eyes shut and automatically brought his other hand up to shield his face only to remove it minutes later when a blow was never landed.

Draco slowly opened his eyes to see Peters looking at him, his dark eyebrows furrowed. Draco realized that the Gryffindor was no longer gripping his wrist, but had a steady hand on his shoulder.

"Malfoy, right?" Peters cautiously asked.

Draco looked around, expecting someone or something to pop out of nowhere, his heart rate escalating by the minute.

Peters caught on and removed his hand off of the blonde's shoulder, "Are- are you ok?" He asked.

Draco took a few calming breaths then stood up straighter, nodding his head but then looking down at the ground.

"Right, ok, cool." Peters smiled then brought his hand up to rub his neck, "Right so, I was wondering- well you seem good at potions and well if you could... of course you don't have to- but I was just hoping that maybe you could help me? I'm not exactly passing the class and you just seemed to know exactly what to do, s-so I was just wanted to see if you'd help...?" Peters mumbled, his cheeks slightly going pink.

Draco's jaw dropped slightly, the shock driving him to look up at the Gryffindor.

"Y-you want me to help?" Draco asked.

Peters nodded, "Well, yeah but you don't have to-"

Draco cut off, "No, no, I'll be glad to help. It's just you want me, Draco Malfoy, to help?"

"That is what I said, isn't it?" Peters smirked.

"Well yes, but..." Draco trailed off due to his absolute shock and disbelief.

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