〰Chapter 12〰

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But then Harry caught sight of the yellow eyes that was stalking them between trees and he only had a spilt second to warn his roommate before the creature lunged.
For a spilt second everything was just fine.
Before it all went downhill.

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Harry only had seconds to warn Draco before the glowing yellow eyes lunged. Harry felt a scream erupt, from him or Draco, he didn't know. Perhaps it was both. Before Harry had even a moment to think, something hit him hard on the side. The impact making him fall, causing his glasses to slip off.

Harry blindly patted the ground next to him and anxiousness flooded his insides as he heard a sickening crunch and a low howl but all he could see were blurbs of color. Finally, Harry felt the familiar shape of the circular glasses and hurriedly put them on.

His vision cleared up but that didn't ease his worry as he saw his roommates face of panic. Their attacker had the blonde's arms above his head as he pinned him to a tree. Harry cursed himself for not having his wand on him and instead lunged through his head for ideas on how to get out of this situation.

Meanwhile, Draco's heart was beating alarmingly fast that he was afraid it would jump out of his atrium right there and then. He didn't need to take a second look to even recognize those hateful, fiery eyes.

Greyback snarled as he sneered, "Traitor!" He spat, as he grabbed the blonde's shoulder and shook him hard.

Draco barely had any time to register what was happening when Greyback shoved him back onto the tree. The impact brought tears to his eyes and he begged himself to fight back somehow.

"While you ran away from the battle, the rest of us fought by the dark lord's side and we all died or got sent to Askaban! Your father is greatly disappointed in you. He is the one who sent me here after all."

Draco's watery, grey eyes widened and he couldn't help the choked whimper that left his lips when the werewolf wrapped his hand around the Slytherin neck, squeezing hard enough to leave bruises.

"Tell me, what did you do to get out of that hell zone?" Greyback continued to sneer, tightening his grip when he received no answer.

Draco feebly put his hand on Greyback's arm, trying to pry his arm away from his neck. A tear rolled down his pale cheek and he stole a glance at Harry for just a second.

Greyback must have caught his glance because he then sneered and said, "Tell me, how does it feel to whore yourself out to the bloody enemy?!"

Draco attempted to shake his head, his world slowly blurring at the edges.

"You are mine!" The werewolf snarled, squeezing painfully at the blondes clothed groin which elicited a pained gasp from the Slytherin.

"You know, what if I truly marked you?" Greyback wondered.

Draco squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that this was all a dream but alas when he felt a sharp pain on his cheek his eyes fluttered back open in pain.

"I could. You know, mark you. I could bite you right now and make your life a living nightmare." Greyback suggested with a malicious smirk.

'This is it' Draco thought. He never wanted his life to end more than at this very moment. It would be both a given and a blessing if it did. He would finally be at peace. He would be free. Free from not only everyone else, but from himself too.

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