〰Chapter 26〰

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The air blew around, merciless. It howled in every direction, making the trees dance and sway to the beat of the soundless music.

He grew stronger against the wind which made his muscles work all the more. The freshness of it working over his skin, making a flag of dark, tousled hair. In the trees, it created a gusting chorus, a song so confidently sung. There were times where he felt it within, that push and swirl, that stirring to show what was solidly there. He's okay with it. For the calmness of sweet days ahead will be as easy as rewinding daydreams.

Like a predator looking for his prey, he scanned the area secretly all while looking for incoming attacks sent in his direction.

The tiny flint of gold made his stomach clench and he stalked towards the hidden object ever so slowly. It zigzagged and circled up and down the poem of a small tree, the beauty that encouraged the spirits to dance though words of the wind's melodic beat.

He flew towards it, foot by foot, slowly as to not encourage the others that he's found the key object. It all came down to this. This was the moment, the final moment. All he had to do was reach his hand out, closer, closer, closer...

He lunged forward and clasped the beating object inside his hands, the wings growing tired and eventually giving out in his moist palm. A smile broke out on his face as he dashed up high in the middle of the field, holding out the snitch in his hand for all of Hogwarts to see. He vaguely registered the announcement and the cheering of his team as he caught sight of a peculiar blonde being embraced by another.

A roaring fire of jealousy flared in his insides. It blazed and licked its way through his body like a hungry kitten with a saucer of milk. Playful and gentle at first but it slowly leaped then spat, a shower of sparks. Plumes of black-grey smoke wound around himself like a starving serpent that devoured everything in its path, blazing, out of control. Ash invaded his senses, showering onto everything, sprinkling into his perception.

Maybe if he hadn't been blinded by the restfulness then he would have noticed the ball that was thrown. Maybe then, would he have noticed that it came hurting his way and he could've prevented the impact of it to his head, making his entire world fade into black

Almost as black as the ashes had been.


Harry awoke to a familiar room, the lights so bright, it almost blinded him. His bones aches but he knew this place very well, he'd been here too many times before.

It took him a couple of seconds, but he finally registered the warmth that clasped and covered his hand. The Gryffindor groaned as he tried to shift and lift his body, only to be met with a flare of pain surging throughout his body.

"Try not to move too much," Came the voice of Hermione, "Ronald, go get Madam Pomfrey."

Without his glasses, the world was just a mixture of blobs and colors but he could make out his bushy-haired friend who was sitting beside his bed, clasping his hand tightly.

"What-" He started but couldn't say anymore as he heard Madam Pomfrey speak up.

"I keep telling McGonagall that Quidditch is a dangerous sport, not something that should be played on school grounds." She huffed, nearing the bed, "Here, dear, drink this and you can go whenever you're feeling better."

The matron handed him an orange vial and Harry thanked her as he took it. She walked away with the 'click-click' of her heels and Harry turned to the worried faces of his friends, or at least he thought they were worried, it was mainly difficult to see without his glasses.

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